Mar 30, 2007 00:13
So, I've been thinking a lot. I really love massage therapy. Everytime I learn something new about the body I am so entirely amazed. I love autopsy/dissection photos. I have a brain like a steel trap.
I'm also...a huge procrastinator. I'm also....not into homework. I also....enjoy "unprofessional" stuff (i.e. tattoos, piercings, etc, etc.) I'm not into poop, and puke and other random bodily fluids...ew.
But, still, I want to get a doctorate. I want to be stunningly intelligent. I want to help a lot of people. Maybe even write a book or something. That would rock. I probably should have came to this conclusion many, many years ago, and if I could go back in time, I would. But I can't. That said, it would probably take me 10 or 15 years to complete my schooling. Not to mention whatever "family plans" happen, or don't happen. Truthfully I don't really CARE if I have kids (at this moment in my life.) You can take my uterus and give it back later, I have no need for it. I'd really only have like 14 of them anyway, to....tend the fields....and wipe my ass when I'm in a wheelchair. But I digress.....
So, if I could go back in time and begin my career track, I would have stayed awake in all those math classes and paid way more attention, because I need to take all sorts of calculus/trigonometry. Do I have any Math Major friends out there???? Seeing as I'm not even graduated from massage school yet, obviously this plan can and will more than likely change. But it's been a recurring thought, and it's probably best I write it down now, lest I forget. **Side note, my hair is getting way long.** To continue, I'm not sure if I would go through sienna heights university, because I'm not sure it's an acredited school, and I think it would suck to have to go to Adrian, or LIVE there for god sake. Not to mention, I would have to enroll in Health Enrichment's Advanced Practitioner and Master Bodyworker programs....which would take 3 years to complete ANYWAY.....or I could just start on getting my damn degree.
I've ALSO thought about just going through the Master Bodyworker program at school and become a member of the AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association) by taking the National Certification Exam (which I will do later this year regardless.) Then, continue my education through thte AMTA since they require a certain amount of CEU's or Continuing Education Units, per year.
Then there's always ONLY going through the first year program, ONLY taking the National Cert. Exam, and ONLY doing the CEU's for education and ONLY making between $30,000 and $50,000/year. Which, in my opinion, is completely unacceptable for me. I don't want to have to struggle, at ALL. I could always just do that, and then invest money somehow....but...I have to research that option before I count that as viable.
Of course, within the next year and a half (until August of 2008) I will be focusing on school, working to save money, and Passing the National Exam. Hopefully, I will have saved enough to move out into an apartment of my own, with a bit of a nest-egg (around $5,000), 100 lbs. lighter, and be the owner of a new-to-me car (2003 or better.) That's the plan for now, and we'll see - I suppose, how to proceed from there. I'm flexible. But I want more for myself. A lot more. People at school keep saying that I'm really bright, and I don't even try. It makes me think that if I actually tried I would be a genius....or something.
Just a quick overview, if you read all that, you rock. If not, well, you know.....