So ya

Sep 04, 2004 01:48

I think it is important to note that in about a week and a half I've spent a little over $75 on hackey sacks. Just try and beat that. Not that you'd want to. But shit, yo... last week I got my Free Add in the mail and it was hot. I mean, fucking hottest footbag I've touched in my life... I love it. Then I got an email about a fucking sale World Footbag was having so I mean... the $25 sack I've wanted for years but never splurged on was now $20 for the term of the sale. I spent about 3 seconds deliberating with Esther whose argument consisted of the following:

ILiveInAButthole: get it!!!
wontbutyoumight: man
ILiveInAButthole: get it
wontbutyoumight: its expensive
ILiveInAButthole: get it
ILiveInAButthole: get it
wontbutyoumight: it'll take 24 bucks
ILiveInAButthole: its worth it

I simply caved under the peer pressure. But that's not all. I looked at the shipping cost of the sack and it came up to $5.50. This seemed irrational to me, and I changed the quantity of sacks to two to see how the shipping changed. For two sacks it was $7.00. I felt like this was a better shipping cost, and I could always use another sack. You know, just in case, of course. So ya, I bought two 32-panel plastic pellet filled facile Juice footbags. $47 bucks with shipping. Who says material goods can't produce happiness?

ANYWAYS, onward.

Hurricane is coming, blah blah, boring. But what it did do is fuck up esther's visit down here, as well as the possible visit of me up there because of all these losers "evacuating" or whatever. O well, whatevs.

wontbutyoumight: god is probably hating on us
wontbutyoumight: cuz we dont believe in him
ILiveInAButthole: yeah
ILiveInAButthole: for sure
ILiveInAButthole: i mostly dont believe in him
ILiveInAButthole: because he is fake
ILiveInAButthole: i dont know about you


I saw Garden State today. I really liked it. Question: why was Such Great Heights accoustic and not sung by Ben Gibbard? I was confused. Who covers a postal service song?

Anyways, after the movie my mommy and morganne worked on some sculpting and my dad and I set up the last shutter. Morganne made my face and I thought it looked good until she stabbed the forehead and cut out the eyes. Kinda disturbing to watch your own effigy being disgraced. Anyways, my room is awesome with the shutters in place. I can sleep till 3pm and think its still 3am. It's awesome. I hope I can keep them up for a long time after the storm.

That is all, friends.
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