So. I just watched the Season 4 finale for (the new) Doctor Who. And fuck me, I actually liked it very much - might be related to the fact my expectations were tremendously low following the let-down of the three previous episodes.
'Cause let's face it, "Mightnight" was the worst Doctor Who episode ever. The setting had shitloads of potential, but then it just didn't work. "Turn Left", not enough Doctor, "The Stolen Earth", too much staring and not enough action. But Journey's End...
The cliffhanger solutions from the previous ep were kind of lame. Although that was to be expected, really, as there was no way of possibly working them out without a solution like "Boom! Two people suddenly emerge from a parallel univrse with BIG motherfucking GUNS!". Also, did I tell you the Doctor's spare hand would be used in him not regenerating? I did, and I was right. Though it was pretty predictable so I can't take too many honours for that. But apart from the beginning I thought the episode was rather brilliant. There was a lot of action, but it wasn't overdone like on the finales of seasons 2 & 3, and the main emphasis wasn't on the BIG EFFECTS but on the characters. And there was so much funny stuff ranging from Jack to Daleks speaking German to Dalek-bowling to Donna being half-Doctor and vice versa.
The duplicate Doctor... well, maybe it was a bit too much. But considering how ridiculous of an idea it was, I think it was pulled off very well. Plus it gave the chance of getting rid of the extremely annoying facially melformed girl who can't talk properly (Rose, in case someone didn't get it) for good by giving her a surrogate Doctor. I also liked putting Donna, Mickey and Jack together in the end - it they're all going to be in Torchwood next year (will there be a next year?), I might finally start watching that series.
And then to the part which I truly didn't like. The ending for Donna. I liked her (now look up my entry from last year where I said I don't want her to return and proceed to point and laugh) and they finished her off in a crude and angst-inducing manner. And I really, really, really don't like the pointy-haired angst (to use
anglepoiselamp's quiant expression) that seems to be becoming the main content of the series the more it progresses. Give me a brilliantly manic carefree Doctor running around on alien planets, not an angsty moping Doctor who keeps screwing up his companions one way or the other.
Le grande finale, the Christmas Special preview at the end of the episode. Wery angsty (boo!), but did I see Victorian cemetaries and Cybermen? Because if I wasn't just imagining it to look brilliant, next X-mas special does show promise. Although the Cybermen also looked like the Parallel Earth Cybermen, which could mean that (as has been rumoured), we'll see the extremely annoying facially melformed girl who can't talk properly again. Although I can't believe even RTD would first beautifully siphon her off at the end of the season closer, only to bring her back immidiately in the next episode. Although RTD does have an amazing ability to surprise me with his crapness every time I though he couldn't get any worse.
Edit. Also, it seems there will be another short cut-away special before the X-mas Special (yeah, everyone probably already knew it, but I didn't) for
BBC Proms. Apparently it'll again take place entirely within the TARDIS and feature a returning guest star.