We had two great speakers/lecturers at out school this week.
One of them was Mika Launis, you probably know him from the cover illustrations of the finnish Harry Potters. The lecture was unstuctured and akward if anything:D He was embarrassing showing us pictures with out pc, cause he has ever used anything but a mac:) But I think it was great anyways, I was exited to have him there. One thing he said about the HP covers was that because he does not like repeating himself he got fed up with doing the covers after a while:DD I don't remember if he used those words exactly but c'mon you can see it! But I like his style and I think the newest cover of HP is really nice.
The other guy who came and spoke with us was Jouni Väänänen the only finnish guy in the lafraise crew. Lafraise is Europe’s largest t-shirt design site. You can upload your desing there for competition and every week 3-4 desings accoarding to popular wote and a jury desition get printed. AND, get this, the desinger get to keep their copyright to the design, lafraise only asks for limited copyright for 500 shirts, AND the desinger also gets 1000 euros. wtf mate.
So, this is the exxxiting part: we will have a competition in our class cortesy of Jouni and lafraise. We have to make a t-shirt design, and one of them get's printed to all of us! For free. Yay! Everybody's exited as hell. I'm looking forward to learning alot from this.
I already got scetching. These probably will not have anything to do with the t-shirt, but at least I got started with something!
I'll see how this goes. And I'll be shamelesly pimpin' lafraise:)