So I'm back home after two weeks of training. Tomorrow I'll be in my store, observing for a week. There's definitely a lot to learn still, and I'm looking forward to more hands on experience. I don't really relish being away from Western Mass though. There is a quality here that I deeply love, and it's always a bit of a culture shock for me to be away from it. I had limited food options in Jersey, and those options were even more limited because Jersey isn't very vegetarian friendly. I do like a lot of the way my new employer does its training, but the air quality in the building was awful: no fans, locked windows, and blasting heat in a 40 year old building is a bad combo for my lungs. I developed a nasty, liquid cough. It's significantly improved just since Friday, but I still have some bad episodes.
I got my first paycheck and boy is that exciting! Got in one week more than I made in two babysitting. I can't wait to go grocery shopping and pay a bill or two. The next paycheck will be bigger since it will be for two weeks. And after that, I can start getting commission! :)
I did some NaNoWriMo while in Jersey, but I didn't get too far. I've written maybe 2k, but I'm glad to be thinking about the story again, and I appreciate
timeron's suggestions in moving things forward. I haven't been working on it quite as much this past week. I've been a bit distracted, trying to socialize with my classmates, but also having interesting conversations on Skype and reading Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie.
Right now, some of the things I'm most looking forward to are: catching up with bills, new clothes, and moving to a more relevant/practical apartment. I'm hoping by January that some other possibilities will be likely too. :)