
Apr 27, 2007 15:25

The day after my last post I decided the "neglect" method isn't the way to go with dreads. I washed and combed my hair. I did some research and plan on the "backcombing" method. Looks like I may get some help from a couple of people at work, so that's cool.

Finally called Josh and talked briefly. Will have to do that again soon as we were interrupted by the subway arriving. Good to talk to him. I don't feel like such a bad friend.

Kea's level 34 now. Found a new buddy to play with, and my guildies are pretty cool.

Daniel and I had a great experience last night. A Soka Gakkai member Daniel met at a meeting in March took us to a Dorchester-area meeting. It was wonderful! Everyone was so warm and inviting and instantly accepting. Unconditional and passionate. Nichiren Buddhism is amazing.

Back to work on this rainy day!

dreads, sgi, work

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