YAAAAAAAAAAAY! Dan got a job today. So we'll be less poor when we leave for Boston! Less stress and worry, more empowerment. Had fun playing DnD last night, despite a few tense moments and having to work today. I'm working on getting organized and getting money to all the right spots. Reading Stranger in a Strange Land, and loving it. Thanks to
kittysunlover for getting me to read it. Worked out on Thursday I think it was, went to Myrna's with Mike and we both embarrassed ourselves with karaoke. Happy, things seem to generally be moving in the directions they should. I'm pretty tired, so bed now... another temp. schedule this week:
Monday 8:30-5
Tuesday 10:30-7
Wednesday 8:30-5
Thursday OFF
Friday OFF
Saturday 11-8, then DnD 'til late.
Sunday 10:45-7:30ish
Cool that Sunday is the only day I close... so I can actually do things in the evening and get almost decent sleep and maybe even have an almost consistent sleep schedule.
Life's feeling good.