Her Past

Jul 16, 2011 11:23

My name is Nephania Syrus Snape. I am the sister of Severus Snape. I am daughter to Tobias Snape and Eileen Prince. Since my father was not a wizard I am indeed a halfblood witch. I grew up in our house at Spinner's End along with Lily Evans and her sister Petunia Evans. As you all know, Severus favored Lily and wished for her to fall in love with him. I, on the other hand, favored Petunia as a friend. Petunia and I shared similar beliefs. We remained friends over the years even as she found out that I was a witch. I received a letter to Hogwarts a year after Severus. Petunia deliberately tried to convince me that I should throw the letter away and pretend I never received it. The only problem with that was that I had powers that would unleash themselves and hurt the one's I loved. I told her I had to go so that I could learn to control my powers. She agreed, of course, after the incident in the park where I blew apart the slide after an argument with Severus.

In Hogwarts, I excelled in Potions, Charms, and Divination. I was always trying out new spells that might be useful for my own personal gain. Potions, well, the only reason I excelled in that subject; Severus. He would call me down to the common room at all hours of the night to show me new things her discovered through potion making. He also revealed to me his dark spell Sectumsempra. This interested me because of my fetish for the Dark Arts. One would say that we were close in our childhood years. Whenever Mother and Father neglected Severus I always offered a helping hand because I saw greatness in him. I encouraged him until the day he became a Death Eater. Indeed we both bare the dark mark, but for Severus to join meant giving up his love...

I had a haughty argument with him about it. I told him that if he thought joining He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named would bring him closer to Lily then he was a fool. He said that Peter Pettigrew had given away the Potter's location and it was only a matter of time until James would be gone and Lily would be his......


"Killing James will not make Lily love you!" she threw her hands in the air, frustrated. "The Dark Lord will kill them all including that child of theirs. You lost Lily's heart long ago, Severus. I can't believe you're doing this. Have you gone mad?!"

Severus sneered at his sister and narrowed his eyes. "Please, Nephania, spare me your judgment. I know what I am doing. I told Dumbledore to hide them he-"

"HE IS THE DARK LORD! The most powerful wizard of our time, Severus. He will find them, Brother, and he will kill them. He will not spare a single Potter! He knows what will happen if he does. He will not let anything stand in the way of his rise to power!"

"Then so be it, Nephi! I would rather see Lily dead than with James." Nephania saw him shutter almost as if he wanted to take back what he said. He didn't want any harm to come to Lily, even if it meant that he'd have to continue this torment upon his heart. In contrast the cynical man would much rather her alive and well, even if she remained far from his grasp. "Severus, please. Don't do this. You know the Dark Lord is not merciful. Dumbledore can put any protection he wants on the family but they will still be found just like all the others. You know Lily will stand in the way if he tries to kill James or Harry. You and I both know that."

He shook his head fast before heading towards the door. "I'll be back.." was all he said before slamming the front door to Nephania's flat.


That very next day he came back to my flat completely distraught. I never knew Severus as one to show emotion so easily but he broke down repeating over and over that Lily was dead. I tried to comfort him as best I could.

I'd never seen death in someone's eyes, luminescent with hatred and regret. But today, that would all change.

"I'm so sorry, brother." For the first time in her life her eyes welled with tears. It tore her apart to see her brother like this. "What happened to the boy?"

Severus tried to regain his usual composer but failed. "The boy...he lives. The Dark Lord has he's finished. Dumbledore said that Lily used an old form of magic to protect the boy. By s-s-sacrificing.." he grimaced. "her life for his, the Killing Curse rebounded on him. Now he is weak...."

That was the last time he ever spoke of the Dark Lord until Harry Potter came to Hogwarts. There, he encountered the Dark Lord in the body of Professor Quirrel. The Dark Lord had been after the Sorcorer's Stone so that he could wish for his eternal life. In Harry's second year at Hogwarts I saw the blood writing on the wall saying that the Chamber of Secrets had been opened once again. That year I had been visiting Severus to catch up on lost time. I tried to convince Albus Dumbledore to let me take the position of the DADA teachers since I knew so much about that subject. He refused and instead let Gilderoy Lockhart have the position. He had been sacked at the end of the year for lying about his qualifications, and his memory loss prevented him from taking the job back anyway.

I returned to Hogwarts for the legendary event; the Triwizard Tournament. That was something I didn't want to miss. I knew something was amiss when Harry Potter's name shot out of the Goblet of Fire. Severus insisted that I shouldn't worry because it was all according to the Dark Lord's plan. It disgusted me to know that my brother was still working for the mad man. It is true that no one ever stops being a Death Eater. That year Cedric Diggory died and it was clear that the Dark Lord had returned through the Ministry tried to tell the public that this wasn't true.

Also in that very same timeline I fell in love with a man named Jacob Riley. We first encountered each other at the Leaky Cauldron. I had been completely intoxicated and he was kind enough to assist me back to my dwelling. I will not go into details of our love affair, but I will say he is the reason I am a Death Eater....


"Severus, don't this to me!" Nephania struggled against her brother's grip as he dragged her out of her flat and towards the woods that lay around her house. "I swear I will hex you!" she shouted. "Keep quiet Nephi! And for god's sake make a good impression. If I have to suffer than you will as well." he scoffed. He had placed a locomotive charm on her body once they reached the grass. It had become harder to drag her along and he really didn't want to make the effort. "It will all be over soon."

She rolled her eyes and stared up at the blank night sky. Nothing seemed amiss at the moment. It was actually a rather calm, cloudy night. A usual forecast for Spinner's End. "He's changed you. I can't believe you actually agreed to this! Are you doing it because of her?! Are you doing this because of that filthy halfblood, Lily!?" she felt her body hit the ground. The spell had obviously canceled itself out. Before she could rise to her feet Severus's hand made contact with her cheek, slapping her. A red hand print could be visible in the dim light of the moon. "Don't you dare call her that!"

"Why, because she's just like you?"

Nephania narrowed her eyes toward him while her hand rose up to touch her cheek gingerly. Of course there was pain from it, but she didn't wince. Not in front of him. She could show her weaknesses. "Please, like it matters now. The woman's de-" "Crucio!" she felt the electric shock of the curse ripping through her body. She cried out in agony. The curse ripped at her muscles causing them to spasm rapidly. "Don't test me Nephania! I won't hesitate to kill you. Finite Incantartum. And don't forget I know about Jacob."

Her chest heaved as her hand rested above her heart. She tried to catch her breath as best she could. "Don't bring him into this!" she rose to her feet, pushing passed him. "Jacob has nothing to do with this meeting. Why won't you just grow up." she crossed the bridge in the thick woods that lead to a clearing. Severus followed behind her, muttering obscene things beneath his breath. She stopped in the middle of the clearing, with her arms crossed over her chest. "Well call him already, Severus. I don't have all night."

He pulled up his sleeve without protest, and placed his wand upon the dark mark, calling to the Dark Lord. They both waited in silence. The only thing the moved was the on-coming breeze. With it came a pop. Apparation. He had appeared in front of them. Both the siblings bowed respectfully. "Ahh Severus, I see you have successfully delivered your sister to me. You may leave if you wish." He nodded slightly, before disapparating.

"Now, Miss Nephania, I think I have something that might interest you." he glanced towards her, his voice was icy and anything but welcoming. "You see your skill with charms and potions surpasses your brother's. I could use someone like you on my side." she resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She had turned him down once before when she had become a seventh year at Hogwarts. Why did he think that she would accept now? "I see." she managed to say. "Well I'm sure you will accept. You don't have a choice." she raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "What do you mean I don't have a choice?" he seemed to be disappointed with her question though he kept his composer. Obviously Severus hadn't informed her of anything. "Either you follow me, or watch your him die." Him? He couldn't possibly mean..Jacob? How on earth would he know.

"I..I don't know what you're talking about." It might have helped her to sound more convincing if she hadn't hesitated at the beginning of her sentence. The remark brought a devious grin to the Dark Lord's twisted features. "Oh really, Nephania? I think you know exactly who I am talking about. And to think you fell in love with a mudblood." she froze. Her heart seemed to stop suddenly. It felt as if a weight had been placed on her lungs making it harder to breath. "I see I've struck a nerve. Maybe you'll be more willing to cooperate now." she didn't speak. At the moment she couldn't find her voice at all. It had been lost along with her heart beat. "I'll spare him as long as you agree to take the mark." she shook her head from side to side. "That's the same thing you said to Severus and Lily Potter still ended up dead." she said flatly.

The Dark Lord gave an ominous cackle. "Did you actually think I was going let any of the Potters survive. Severus is my servant. He has no say in my actions. I control him, not the other way around." she didn't respond. "Well, are you going to save your beloved's life, or are you going to watch him die? It's your choice."

Nothing, nothing could compare to the hatred she felt for the Dark Lord right now. This had been the first time she had ever had a bloodlust to kill. To kill him. "Fine, I'll accept." she muttered quietly. "Good, oh and now that you are mine, now that I control you.." he pulled his wand from his cloak stepping towards a nearby tree and pulling a body back from behind it. "You will no longer need such petty attachments." her eyes widened. "W-what? Don't you dare!" she quickly pulled her wand from her cloak raising it towards him. "Don't. We made a deal." he sneered at her. "And to think you, of all people, would trust me. Avada Kedavra." he said simply. Jacob's body fell limp. Though she'd only recently been seeing him, she couldn't say that she was in love. The loss still weighed down on her heart. He had been the only person she connected with. He understood her for who she was and now he was gone.

She dropped to her knees. The everlasting silence returned between them. She seemed to be in a trance. Nothing could be seen in her eyes. No hope, no happiness, nothing. That light that once filled her eyes died along with him. "Now give me your arm." he said while walking towards her. She didn't move. "I said give me your arm!" he snapped a bit, getting impatient. She rose her left arm slowly. He pushed up her sleeve and gave her his mark. It embedded itself into her skin. He didn't bother to say anything else to her. He only disapparated. Of course, how could she have been so stupid. The only person who could have informed the Dark Lord of her personal life was her brother. He wanted her to suffer the same fate as him. He knew exactly what her dreams were. If he couldn't have his, then she wouldn't have hers.

You have reached the very end of my pensive. I may add to my history and I may not. If you have any questions regarding certain things that happened in my life I will be more than happy to answer any questions through messages.

pensive, ic

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