Feb 04, 2006 01:34
Yeah. Bed should have happend a couple of hours ago but I wasnt tired just like last night. *shrug*
Work was a change.
And started excellently.
Thursday night when the cretin was running, she had filed a complaint about me with management, describing how useless I was being and unhelpful. This isnt the good bit, but you'll soon see why I was so pleased with today.
The very same night, a customer had requested, and filled in a customer feedback form about me.
This form stated how helpfull and cheerful I ahd been and how I had made their night!
Who do you belive? The completely objective strangers?
Or the cretin?
I could have chuckled with glee at every customer I saw today.
Since it was tale telling time, I told management (who where comewhat confused by the conflicting stories of that night) a few tales of my own. They will now be asking questions of other members of staff about said cretin.
Now I have to sit back and hope they don't chicken out at dropping the dime. And that Julie handles it right, as she has had complains about her from other runners I hope my word already carries weight.
We'll see.
But I feel very nervous abou all this, because right now it feels like name-calling. I just have to rely on my co-workers. Which is a very scary thought.
For now, I am going to bed.
Pleasant dreams everyone :-)