You still shouldn't have stolen these, Sui...

Jan 27, 2008 05:56

Player Info
Name: Freya
LJ Screen Name: katya_kovski
Age: Your soul.

Character Info
Name: Souseiseki ("Sou") Rozen
From: Rozen Maiden (anime only)
LJ Account: soul_gardener
Age: 12
Magie or Non-Magie?: Magie
Occupation (optional): N/A; of schooling age. Although she does do odd jobs and errands (hedge-trimming, anyone?) to support her and her twin.

Personality: The twin sister of Suiseiseki Rozen (and younger by several minutes), Sou is the more serious of the two, with a penchant for books and nature. Her own branch of magic is attuned to what she has dubbed 'soul-trees'- the part of a person which represents their humanity- and 'gardening' or healing them. Whilst her magic is not as strong as her sister's she is fairly spiritual and latches onto the beliefs of the Congregation almost unquestioningly; it gives her a sense of stability she is lacking elsewhere. She tends to be quiet and reserved, particularly around people she doesn't know well. She is also usually polite and respectful towards her 'superiors', something which makes her appear more mature than Sui who is frequently pushy and rude.

Despite this she is highly wary of strangers and will keep her distance, taking a long time to trust a person. Although she is affectionate and even unspokenly clingy towards those she trusts most (currently only Sui), she dislikes being touched by strangers and will withdraw swiftly but politely from any situation in which either she or her twin feels uncomfortable. Even where her twin is concerned she will not ask for a cuddle but will either simply intiate one, curl up to her at night or insinuate that it is only Sui who is benefitting from the contact. This is due to the severe and ongoing abuse she and her twin suffer from their guardian, who cannot cope with children due to a number of psychological issues.

Sou is devoted to, and fiercely protective of her sister and the occasions upon which she is unable to defend her are highly traumatic. She runs errands and performs tasks for anyone who will pay her in an attempt to support them both and make reparations for not being able to prevent the sexual abuse Sui suffers at the hands of their guardian. This pressure is worsened by Sui's habit of simply stealing whatever she needs; Sou, who has a strong moral compass, is concerned by this and tries to earn enough to prevent her from needing to turn to theft. Yet it is an impossible task for a twelve-year-old, and more often than not she has to concede defeat and admit that she'd be lost without Suiseiseki and her quick fingers. In fact, one of her recent (and frivolous) thefts- two Magitech books- has begun to prove particularly useful...

Abandoned by her father and effectively orphaned on the death of her mother shortly after giving birth, Sou has grown up fending for herself with only her twin to rely upon. She is far more capable than many other twelve-year-olds, shaped by years of necessity and a sense of duty to her sister. She and her twin are illegal immigrants to Syriuci, having arrived in a packing-crate as stowaways on board a freight ship. With no money and nowhere to go, the pair were soon taken in by a middle-aged bachelor, living alone. Initially, they thought themselves very lucky.

It soon transpired, however, that their guardian was mentally unblananced and without help. He does not seem to be able to recognise the girls as humans, and as a result neglects and abuses them drastically. He finds it acceptable to keep them in the dilapidated summerhouse in his garden without furniture, clean clothing, water or shelter. He rarely feeds them and never speaks to, or interacts with them on a normal level, often leaving them alone for days at a time. He treats them almost as though they are dolls.

It is perhaps this disassociation of the girls from their humanity that allows him to sexually abuse Sui in the way that he does. This affects Sou deeply, who feels bitter and powerless to defend her twin. Her guilt is building and it seems that she is nearing snapping-point with every night she sits awake in the summerhouse, holding a distraught Suiseiseki.

Until then, however, the girls survive at subsistance level, stealing food and earning money when they can and always looking out for one another.
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