Rarer than a unicorn at an orgy...

Dec 31, 2004 03:19

is an update to my journal, I know. Sorry 'bout that folks.

I am currently home for Chrismahanukwanzadan, enjoying relaxation, food, and previously unimaginable bouts of laziness in Chi-town... Highlights: pulling NON-35-page-report-caused all-nighters; making fun of friends from home (Hi friends! ), watching my sister take Glod to school on -her- LJ (Hi Glod!), teas, lunches, midnight snacks, and neighborhood cruises with missed people, etc. Once the New Year has arrived, in all its arbitrary Gregorian glory, I'll be soon returning to NYC (on the 3rd). From there, it will be time to WORK - at the recycling center, thank god, and not on policy reports... for a week, until huzzah for roadtripping on the 10!

Oh. Except for a teensy-weensy problem I'm currently experiencing... no car. Teensy.

So yeah, roadtrip - car = short walk around the block. It is proving something of an obstacle. Given my lack of car, and my location in NYC (which I thought would be helpful, NY being the only state that rents cars to drivers under 21 - except that companies charge 50 bucks a day extra! damn gauging cheats), given these things, Iwould love advice, suggestions or aid from the peanut gallery about any of the following:

1) Ideas on how to get ahold of a car for a week, from the 10-17 or thereabouts... this includes cars any of you might want to lend-rent to me (Mucho cash, sexual favors, and slave duties are all acceptable options), cars other people you know conceivably might want to rent to me, really cheap rental agencies which rent to minors, etc. - any ideas welcome.

2) Less ideally... ideas as to other places to go with other forms of transportation - I know I can hop a bus or train, or maybe even plane, to a lot of places for moderately cheap (thinking $200 or less about)... if you have brilliant ideas as to specific places I ought to go or things I ought to see, send them my way... maybe it will console me!

3) Conceivable depending on the circumstances/other plans, if anyone in the greater NY state area wants to meet up during said road trip, let me know! I'll probably visit you. To extend that thought, if anyone has a car of some sort and wants to come along, that may work as well.

Let the games begin. I'll see you NYU folks soon. Happy New Years Eve!
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