Today, I realized that I look really stupid. REALLY stupid. Not only is my hair in my eyes, but it looks like a poofmonster.
So, I decide to try pulling it back, to see if I can manage it yet. After about twenty torturous minutes, it looks okay from the front:
And like a holy fucking terror from the back:
I can't even tell you how many pins were holding that thing together. Many, many. Many. (Look how reddish my hair is though, I never realized)
Anyway, I took all that out and straightened my hair (burning myself in the process-- apparently you can forget how to use one), and started to look a little more like a human being. Sort of.
At least it's no longer a poofmonster. It does look stupid clipped back though, so no matter what I do I have to have hair in my eyes until it gets long enough to pull back for real.
If I wasn't tired of being called a dude, I'd get it cut today. Is gross.