quick and dirty 5k report

Oct 19, 2008 08:00

More to come later, but since it's 7-ish am and I'm still groggy, this'll be quick. I didn't meet my goal, but did pretty well considering it was brutally hot running into the sun. Time was 31:33 (wanted to break 30). Jason kicked butt and beat me by over a minute. This is significant if you realize how hard he was working to psych himself out of even running. Silly boys. Both of us did quite a bit better than last year, and now have some actual training goals. I skimmed the top 3 female winners in my age group and they were all between 24 and 26 minutes plus change. 24-26??! I can totally get back to that! I was running a couple minutes better than that in college, so if I crank up the track workouts and get some tempo runs behind me, I might actually *place* in a local race. Heh. We'll see...

Oh - I ran about a block with Laura (seraii on the nano boards, topographic here) and she's back for this year's nano. With Xander, Eliza, Eric, Laura, Dave and Resha all back, we've still got the original group participating. YAY! It's so cool to still see everyone nanoing after all this time!

running, race report, nanowrimo

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