
Apr 19, 2010 13:17

i just don't get it. seriously. i just don't get this outrageous impoliteness and inquisitiveness. why would they be so fucking interested in what i do and what i succeed in or failed? why? why wouldn't they mind their own business? why push? why ask 4 fucking times using CAPS LOCK 'why are you ignoring me, tell me - how are you doing? where? what? with who? did you do it? hm? hey. hello. you here? answer me NOW'
wtf? who ARE you to demand anything from me? answers? hold on, isn't "i'm ok" an answer? oh, details? the hell i answer you. how can people be so fucking pushy and nosey-pokey? if i don't answer and switch topics, should you be a fucking genius to get that i am NOT going to tell you any more than just "i am fine, thanks"? hey, i get it. got it from the start. i know why you wrote this, who gave you the idea, WHO is really interested in that. well, none of this shit anymore. no piece of me for you, no, not anymore. and what? you blew away just like a balloon. after i said - no, it's all processing yet - you just went silent. how stupid. do i look so plain and nice that you truly think i'll give this everything to you? ...my heart, my news, my life... well, fuck, you don't get it.

i got so angry. it took so much to stay polite. and i even regret being polite. should have just said everything. 
hate it, hate it, hate it. HATE IT!

i tell everything to people i trust. i tell everything important straightaway, with no doubts and no fears i share. they, maybe, don't even need to ask and if they do, i know it's because they care. 


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