i failed the first time.

Aug 18, 2011 21:09

I'm listening to Breaking Dawn during my commute, since a friend of mine, who shall remain nameless, peer pressured me into it. I'm having a lot of feelings, mainly while I'm driving. It's horrible.


I haven't gotten out of the honeymoon yet, and wow is there a lot of manipulation going on. Edward is withholding sex, Bella is manipulating him into sex by promising to put off becoming a vampire (since to become a vampire is to give up a certain level of humanity/human emotion/sensation, although I honestly think this is absolutely ridiculous because clearly every single Cullen is making out just fine in this department). Bella whines and bitches and goes so far as to burst into tears because she woke up during a sex dream to a reality in which Edward was withholding sex. The horror, you guys!

And then he gave in to her weak, female, human tears and broke the bed.

ALSO, for a girl who is obsessed with sex, how can she literally not remember things like exploding pillows and shattered beds? Who doesn't remember sex that resulted in those things? Does Edward's godlike marble presence cause her to fall into a sex coma during the act? And what is up with the sex of doom, anyway? Edward is not the cartoon Tasmanian Devil. I think he can figure out how to deflower Bella and not break things/kill her.

And the arguments. They are on their honeymoon and I cringe every time one of them talks. It would be one thing if they were in some sort of agreed upon sadomasochistic relationship, but they are not. Bella's all "am I in trouble?" and I'm thinking "dude, you just want sex, and clearly you're living through this so what the fuck is the big deal? maybe you should just explain to the guy that you like bruises, because CLEARLY YOU DO." And Edward. Oh my god, I hate him. I can't even pull together my thoughts on my level of hate.

I have gotten through two discs and it's such a tidal wave of issues that I want to scream at someone...anyone...about my many, many problems with this crap ton of shit, but I can't organize these thoughts into intelligent points for sane discourse.


I'm going to go to Pittsburgh tomorrow, and I'm going to listen to it the whole damn way.


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