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Comments 2

anon52 April 11 2010, 06:26:12 UTC
Really, I'm amazed you've made it that far.

I watched an episode, once, when I was at a place with a TV that had more channels than PBS, and wasn't too impressed. And the misogyny would really put me over the edge. Really, to name an episode about killing the Whore of Babylon 99 Problems? And how does a show that actually includes the line "On a good day you get to kill a whore." even get on regular TeeVee, at this point, if it's not being said by the Bad Man Who Is Totally Going To Get It? Fucked up.


syriinx April 11 2010, 14:32:49 UTC
I saw some tally of pejoratives used for women in this series broken down by season, and they went from barely there to used at least once or twice per episode in season three. Obviously it has gotten worse. Part of me wonders if it isn't the producers having a prolonged hissy fit about not receiving the audience they originally wanted because this series breaks the fourth wall all the time to lash out at fans, but you know, tough shit. No matter what, it's not justified, and it's so in your face now it's disgusting.

So, yeah, they lost me.


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