The Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria

Dec 12, 2011 15:52

Recruiting Jihadists to Wage NATO's "Humanitarian Wars" PART III

by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, September 2, 2011

What triggered the crisis in Syria?

It was not the result of internal political cleavages, but rather the consequence of a deliberate plan by the US-NATO alliance to trigger social chaos, to discredit the Syrian government of Bashar Al Assad  and ultimately destabilize Syria as a Nation State.

Since the middle of March 2011, Islamist armed groups covertly supported by Western and Israeli intelligence have conducted terrorist attacks on government buildings and acts of arson.

Amply documented, trained gunmen and snipers have targeted the police, the armed forces as well as unarmed civilians.

The objective of this armed insurrection is to trigger the response of the police and armed forces, including the deployment of tanks and armored vehicles with a view to eventually justifying a "humanitarian" military intervention, under NATO's  "responsibility to protect" mandate.

the rest of the article

humanitarian war, Сирия, nato, al qaeda, syria

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