I'm doing alright

Jan 02, 2016 02:25

Happy New Year, everyone! I'm not quite ready to sit down and do a year in review type thing - mostly because thispast year has been so very difficult for me, but I will probably tackle it.

I've been having a nice weekend. I did get called into work to work overnights to cover a coworker whose home was flooded, but I volunteered to do so, so I am good with that.

For New Year's Eve, DH and I splurged on Domino's and watched Season 1 of Stitchers. We liked it. It's a pretty short series, and the science is a little annoyingly impossible/wrong, but it's fun. I'm interested enough to be curious about a season 2, if there is one. Though, it could have been cancelled, and I'd have no clue.

I was checking out links in my sidebar to see what worked, what didn't, what needs to be updated. I've been reading Enterprise fic and really enjoying some of the story lines I've found. Might have to recc some. I also got Enterprise Season 1 (used) for the holidays. May have to plan a rewatch.

tv: stitchers, tv: star trek : enterprise

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