Returning to the Land of the Living

Dec 20, 2015 18:31

So, DH and I have moved back to Missouri from Oregon, to be near his mom. I took a huge detour in my career to accomplish it, but I feel good about it, anyway. Family has to come first.

Looking back over the journal, I realize that while I was in Oregon, I was working so hard, and so much of the time, that I hardly ever posted the entire time I was there. My friend's list now, is mostly deserted. Though, I am very glad to see and catch up with those of you who remain. I am trying to get back into the swing of things and find time once again for the creative outlets in my life. They were sorely missed. Also, I'll need them to stay sane back on this side of the country :)

I joined a friending meme, as well, to reach out and get to know some new people, so if you are here from that, "Welcome!"

If you would like to go check it out:

multi-fandom friending meme

This entry was cross-posted from my Dreamwidth journal. Feel free to reply on this entry there, using OpenID, or to read those comments.

fandom, real life

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