Snowflake: Day 9

Jan 11, 2014 08:18

Day 9

In your own space, rec at least 3 fanworks you thought you wouldn't like (because they weren't your fandom or they pushed against your boundaries or you thought you just wouldn't be interested) but you ended up loving. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

I recently had this experience not with a fanwork, but with a fandom. I was telling a friend at work about it the other day. A couple of years ago, when Revenge first started, I had a coworker in Arkansas pitch the show to me, telling me that I really should watch it, but I was pretty "meh" and dismissed it. Sometime in 2012, I caught the show on netflix/hulu and mainlined everything that was available. It was pretty awesome. Then, I didn't watch TV again for about 6 months.

Last week, I decided to catch up on it all. The show is amazing! DH says that it's a bit soap-opery (from what he's overheard) but the writing it tight and twisted, and I love the premise, and the planning and the ways things go wrong almost even more than when they go right. The latest bombshell of the story has left me wondering where this is all going next, and so happy that there is more to come. I'm totally fangirling the show, though I haven't looked into any fan fiction (yet). It's almost so awesome that I am just starting to let it sink in about the little holes and flaws that can be explored that way, because the writing of the actual show is so engaging.

As for fanworks I didn't think I would like but got sucked into, I don't know any specifics off the top of my head. There are a few concepts that I didn't think I would like that somehow sucked me in.

1) Incest fic in certain fandoms. I would think this would be totally squick worthy, but then there was Supernatural with it's pretty, co-dependent brothers, and Heroes with Clair and Peter and Nathan. Of course, I sort of shipped Claire/Peter before I knew they were related, before *they* knew that they were related, and that probably helped, in that neither of these were traditional familial relationships. I have written both.

2) RPS - Another thing to thank Supernatural for. Jensen and Jared are in love. Of course, I don't actually think of them as the "real" actors, mostly. They are just two more characters (and their extended friends) of a sort of meta fandom of Supernatural in my mind. I've written it.

3)MPreg - Ok, so I have some general problems with pregnancy/baby fic, even in het fic, mostly because I am very familiar with Reproductive Clinical Science, and the stupid inacuracies about pregnancy and such throw me out of the story line. Also, unless there is magic or some sort of supernatural/divine intervention, I still don't get past the plausible deniability stage to really get into the story. However, I did read quite a few
grissompregnant stories back in the day. I don't think I've actually written this yet, though I have one Harry/Draco WIP on my hard drive that I should probably finish.

So, things that have moved from my squick list to my maybe, if it's really good list.

This entry was cross-posted from my Dreamwidth journal. Feel free to reply on this entry there, using OpenID, or to read those comments.

meme, fandom: harry potter, tv: heroes, tv: supernatural, tv: csi, tv: revenge, rpf/rps, mpreg

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