Drabble: Serenity (Firefly/Serenity, Mal, Gen)

Sep 24, 2012 17:52

So, as I started this, I couldn't figure out if I should try some of the obscure fandoms, first, to try to make it easier later, or start off with the easier ones now, and possibly get screwed later, when my muse isn't having fun any more. I decided to try and just go with the flow and see where my prompt generator and my inspiration take me.

This one ended up in a very different place than at first blush (River-centric).
Prompt: Firefly/Serenity * character study * wings

Fandom: Firefly/Serenity
Pairing: Mal/Serenity [Kidding :) it's Malcolm Reynolds -gen, but come on, you know she's his first love]
Rated: G
Inspiration: Out of Gas
225 Words (+ lyrics)

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose;" he heard that tune in a bar once. He was laying low on an Alliance planet, and the establishment what had looked like a bit of rough and tumble to hide out in, was just dusty gos se, for fancy folks playing at being on the wrong side of the shipyards, trying to look like authentic Earth-that-was for those who didn't care no different. The sentiment was kind of like that, too. Shiny and all at first glance, but a damn lie all the same.

Freedom's a whole lot of something to lose, and nobody knows that better than anyone who ain't got it.

Sometimes, the lie works the other way, too. The barker may have thought he was fahng-tzong, in turning down the bright, shiny (relatively) new ship for this broke down, old firefly (didn't stop him from driving a tough bargain), but Mal knew a little something about looks, though, and about freedom. That pretty, new bucket would be on some back-world scrap heap by now, with him no better to show for it, but Serenity was still here, would still be here, 'til he took his last breath.
Serenity is what you have, when you have nothing left to lose. If you're lucky. Freedom - that's just the dream that gets you there.

Lost my soul, lost my dream
You can't take the sky from me...
Since I've found Serenity.

This entry was cross-posted from my Dreamwidth journal. Feel free to reply on this entry there, using OpenID, or to read those comments.

character: malcolm reynolds (ff), prompt generator, prompts: 101 fandoms, tv: firefly/serenity, gen

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