FIC: When I Look to the Sky, (SGA, McKay/Sheppard, NC-17)

May 03, 2008 23:08

Title: When I Look to the Sky
Fandom: SGA (McKay/Sheppard)
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: rounds_of_kink SGA - McKay/Sheppard, fisting, rimming, requested by mf_luder_xf, 50kinkyways 46. Writer's Choice - Fisting
Notes/Warnings:Slash, PWP, Explicit Subject Matter

John lays half on his stomach, half on his side, with one pillow under his hips, cradling his semi-hard cock and another under his bent knee, so that he can twist enough to look back at Rodney as he stretches him open. Eventually, he'll have to straighten out, stretch flat out on his stomach, but this is a compromise. He wants to see Rodney, watch him, be reminded that it is him opening him, taking possession of him. They had tried it with John on his back, but they couldn't get the angle right, couldn't spread him enough for Rodney to go all of the way, be completely inside him.

He likes the slow build-up and the way it burns, no matter how slow they go and how long they take to get there. The pleasure is like sticking a nine-volt battery to the back of his tongue - the little frission of danger-hot-spark up to his brain. It's not even all about his cock, or getting off. Somewhere between three and four fingers, he may even go almost completely soft as Rodney works that last bit of resistance, even if he could pound nails right now, as Rodney teases him with fingers tips, and the blunt edge of his thumbs, as he works him over with his tongue - sliding in and out like a thick, slippery tease, agile in a completely different way than his fingers.

John gasps, but doesn't beg, knowing that they'll get there, and he just wants to give in and enjoy the ride. He does push back a bit though, trying to take more of Rodney's tongue inside, encouraging him with sinuous movements to gently nibble around his entrance, to lick and suck, and make his cock leak onto the soft flannel cover of the pillow. He gets close to the edge, but not desperate, when Rodney pulls away and reaches for the lube and begins the slow, steady process of stretching him open.

There's one finger, then two, then Rodney slows down and just feels his way. Slow and easy, meeting John's eyes, his mouth is half open with unformed and unvoiced words that John can almost hear. The position is a little awkward for him, and this is among the stillest that John ever sees him, but Rodney just watches and feels, scissoring, twisting his fingers, as he slides them in and out of John's ass.

John is starting to lose himself in the sensation, making little sounds that he can't believe are coming from him, rocking back against Rodney's hand, and his eyelids start to droop over and over, no matter how hard he tries to look at Rodney. They keep drifting shut, as if he is being hypnotized with pleasure. That's when Rodney withdraws and John keens his displeasure, even though he knows that Rodney's just getting more lube, being safe, being careful, and getting John ready.

Three fingers return, and Rodney leans down, now, nuzzling against John's balls, nipping at the crease of his leg, and up to his ass. He's getting excited, too, his control starting to fray a bit around the edges, and that is the hottest thing in the world to John, as Rodney tucks his little finger against his others, his thumb up underneath, until his thick fingers are a blunt kind of butt plug, sliding in and out from tip to knuckles making him ache and burn and tremble.

He can't stop the shaking in his legs. The muscles of his thighs just kind of twitch, and Rodney nudges them further apart, because John's starting to lose control, unable to manage the simple voluntary response of moving them. Rodney's urging him on, in soft, rambling endearments and begging words, even though John's the one waiting to be split open. "Come on, baby, you can take it, just a little more. Come on; let me; that's it." Until it is and Rodney makes his wide blunt hand as small as possible and John bears down on it. Slowly, he rotates his hand, as John tries to remember to breath slow and deep, and then its inside. John's asshole is fluttering and clamping down on Rodney's wrist. There's a sharp, high sound of pleasure, but he doesn't know who it's from as Rodney draws his fingers up, a solid mass inside of him, impaling him on the strength of that fist.

Rodney moves it just slightly, tiny movements that cause the knuckles to graze along John's prostate and then his vision is whiting out, and his toes are clenching up. His nails try to rend the sheets, and he starts to shake as if shivering, as his cock pumps pulse after pulse of cum across the pillow - an orgasm like nothing else.

Time slows down then, as if every nerve in his body is on fire, and he feels warm all over, especially everywhere that Rodney is touching him. He feels Rodney place small soft kisses on his lower back and ass, as he slowly begins the slide his hand free. John doesn't thank Rodney or tell him that he loves him, even though he thinks it, because he can't hold onto the thought long enough to make his mouth form the sounds.

Rodney cleans him up and helps him get comfortable, helping him to sip some cold, sweet tea, as he murmurs soft words to him. John doesn't realize how dry his mouth is, until it isn't any more, and then he's drifting off to sleep, moving only to grab Rodney's hand and pull it closer over his chest. He sleeps like he's flying, and Rodney watches over to keep him safe.

prompts: 50kinkyways, slash, pairing: mckay/sheppard (sga), tv: stargate, tv: atlantis, fic

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