Reboot Fic: Morning Sun 1/4 (Draws XII) [Pike/Dael/Kirk/McCoy]

Dec 30, 2010 03:04

Title: Morning Sun (Draws XII ( Read more... )

draws series

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Part 1 squee exiled_mind December 30 2010, 04:59:44 UTC
My thoughts before reading:
Eeeeeee! And also: Oh god I hope this one won't put me through the emotional wringer. Or maybe I hope that it will. I cannot decide!

Thoughts while reading (very stream of consciousness aspect to them since I wrote literally while reading):

Whoa, change of perspective (yeah, I know you warned me, but still :-p ). It is interesting to hear Leonard's thoughts since I usually approach Draws with the expectation to hear mainly Pike's. I wonder if this will change my way of reading this section.

I found myself looking at the first part of the first section a bit oddly since it didn't mention either character by name specifically. Since I knew precisely who was who it was clearly effective even though I hadn't expected that sort of opening.

No, Leonard, you don't have time for your own breakdown right now (though I suspect that will be coming, don't you fret!), you've gotta take care of Chris!

Oooh, Jim & Dael venturing amongst the vultures. Very brave. I wonder, is this set up so that Leonard focuses on the healing aspects of things while Jim & Dael focus on maintaining appearances and shoring up Chris' supporters? They are all doing their own version of protecting and supporting Chris?

Yay! Spock & Uhura! And they are welcoming and supportive!

I'll admit to being confused about how much time has passed between Chris' stroke and now. I also don't remember how long it's been since the Enterprise men left last time and how long total Dael was away (I know it was initially 3 months but got extended several times). I'll have to go back for anther read through of the last couple sections at some point.

Hmmm, Leonard worried about control. On the one hand after Alain-the-asshole fucking with Chris, I can see how control would be very precious for them, Chris especially. On the other hand... you need to give up control once and a while, Leonard, and just go with it rather than analyzing every single thing. I don't know if it's way too soon for that though.

Hah - occupational disease. (This is so true, btw!) And man, even while recovering Chris can read Leonard in an instant and know he's worrying and that his thoughts are running away with him!

Hmmmm. Leonard has referred more than once to less sexual activity lately. Is that because he and Jim have been worried sick and busy trying to get home to him or because there's trouble between the two of them. Guilt for leaving Chris? Guilt for Leonard agreeing to stay in space for a while longer with Jim rather than stay with Chris and perhaps having been able to prevent this?

Ugh, Jim & Leonard having to put up with ″helpful″ suggestions on their partnership... I suppose it's a good thing Jim's matured beyond fistfights and become more sly about his warfare.

It's heart-wrenching to read the Chris & Leonard's interlude before breakfast - they are both lacking in their usual confidence and comfort with each other. *sadface*

Oh wow, Leonard brought up a good point about Dael & her experiences with her father... I hadn't even thought of the impact her previous experiences with her unstable father would have on her own balance and well being. I remember the scene where Chris broke the dishes and she had a really hard time with it.

Dael went from being tightly controlled amongst the intelligence people on her mission, to being tightly in control of herself while trying to help Chris, the keeping control while surrounded by the admiralty, and now she's alone with Jim while he works off his own aggression/worry/adrenaline. When does she get the chance to just lose it?


Oh Jim :( And more fodder for his ″live alone, die alone″ philosophy. When the guy usually responsible for the eternal optimism portion of the program is having a breakdown you know you're in trouble...

Hurty. Still so very hurty. *whimper*

"We all love you. Never doubt that. Space isn't big enough for you to get away." I love this line. Dael seems to have emerged from this with a new perspective or maturity or something. She's wonderful here.


Re: Part 1 squee syredronning December 31 2010, 01:01:43 UTC
Whoa, what a long commentary! I'm just going to pick a few lines for answering, but I absolutely loved reading it!

The time line - uuhh, the wackiest part of this series. I seriously should sit down in the end, count the months that pass from the various points, and straighten it all out. But it's such a boring, unfunny work and I also fear that it show that it doesn't really work out *cough*

We'll get more of Dael's story in the next part, probably, which should explain some more about her.

Bones over-analyzes everything and their grandma, he really can't stop it, he's extremely alert and on the permanent look-out for Chris. I love him to death but personally, he'd drive me crazy *G* But he also likes to push Chris a little - usually, not so much here because he's really nervous about it - and supports the changes, whereas with Dael, a certain stagnation had set in.

Jim... is just lovely but sometimes tries too hard to give Bones endless space and still keep Bones close and tell him what really matters to him.

Thanks so much for this great comment, I loved it :))


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