
Oct 23, 2007 02:15

We evolutionarily are designed to react to two specific seasons (with the transitional phases). The summer is pretty simple. It is existential, free, and open. Summer is designed to do whatever and exert the self. It is the time to work authentically (and you can interpret that as slave-like hard labor or constant partying). On this evolutionary scale, the focus is mating. Summer is actually supposed to be what we think the essence of spring to be. Spring is merely unpacking your bags after the winter and leading to 'rebirth', but the actual living aspect is truly a phenomenon of the summer. And, on this evolutionary level, living can be defined by the first major principle of biology through reproduction. This is the point of promiscuity and experimenting. You look around to find mates in your active life path. But summer is not the relevant issue.

Fall hits, and you have to start packing up again. You are to have found your mate (think of those animals who go somewhere to spawn and they do a dance to attract mates). It prepares you for the harsh winter. However, what is the winter? The second major principle of biology is that of survival itself. How can you say that one of the points of life (biologically) is to survive? How can you say the point of 'survival' is to 'reproduce and survive'? This is the difficulty of finding the essence of winter. We have seen that summer is quite simply just this active time to live and procure the methodology to reproduction (which is why I often feel disappointed in myself at the end of the summer and you should too), but the point of winter is survival. The factors of survival and reproduction make up survival itself. This phase of survival is the actual action of reproduction where you aren't just fooling around. The dance is over and mating actually occurs (which is why nine months later most people are born in the summer). Everything focuses around the survival of the offspring.

And what of us? Humans are no longer bound to the laws of evolution (and as a distinct characteristic never was to some of the laws) yet we are still at the mercy of many of them. We don't go out in the summer to exist and then fuck in the winter to pop out a kid the next summer. Nonetheless, spring has the 'birds and the bees' and shit to refer to the contrast between winter and summer. Summer has half naked people. We have our school breaks during the summer. We work the farms (and as a side effect of school) and work more hours. We let lose and party more. Once again, summer is a topic, but it is not this topic.

We have entered this period of winter. You could say that winter actually really started to bloom in the past week (Thursday or so, I think). Seasonal affective disorder is an odd form of depression that appears chronically in the winter. You actually often will happen to know someone that has it to a degree and the majority of people will experience notable symptoms of it. The depression stemming from winter is mostly believed to be caused by light deprivation, as light exposure therapy (or whatever it's called) which points a giant bright light into the patient's eyes is actually 70% effective. That doesn't happen with any other depression. Other factors could be the cold and the way society acts culturally and economically (such as going back to school). Even for those of us who experience no symptoms whatsoever of SAD there is still a profound effect on our lives that is disclosed by winter.

I am quite glad for it to be winter. I used to love summer but that oddly changed in the past couple of years. Perhaps because of the low feeling it gives you. I somewhat enjoy being depressed because, if it has the contradictory accompaniment of energy and stamina, it is truly just anger and that is by far the most incredible emotion one can feel (at least for me). Don't get me wrong, I hate depression more than anything, but only because it drains the energy out of you. Fix that and I'm good. Anyways, what do I mean by 'low feeling'? Let us return to the evolutionary theory. People must 'pack up' for the winter and accept what they have. Mates, supplies, anything. It must be collected for 'winter duties' (I'm not sure what that is evolutionarily, but we go to school, have Christmas, Bears sleep, and other kinds of shit such as that). And we do that - we lock and load, back to school, get ready for the holidays (which are simply synthetic 'winter duties'). We stay inside to avoid the cold. In the modern day, as people withdraw things, they withdraw their confidence as well (a side effect of poor social upbringings). The social world completely changes. The environment is completely different.

And then there is me. I am in general a weak person and somewhat of a 'sore loser'. When I win, I want to win. Competition for the most part sucks and the hunt isn't what counts but rather all that counts is how much money you make off the corpse. If you find ten bucks, well, that is just as good as working to earn it. The prior is actually better because you didn't waste time. Because people hide their confidence and in general become weaker people then it becomes easy to prey upon these weaknesses. Rather than competing for food hunts in the summer, it is easier simply to just take away the food stores of the undeserving. While winter is evolutionarily against my human nature, I find myself preferring the lifestyle of winter because the society around me becomes weak because of inhibitions about being active in that time. Most of us can't compete fairly and thus - survival of the strongest - we compete fairly in the tides of winter. Achilles' heel kind of shit. Active winter living is not unfair, it's just another form of competition. People hate tricks because they don't want to have their weaknesses manipulated by the tricksters who will otherwise get their weaknesses manipulated.

Most people who are single will start to feel pretty lonely by this time. Make sense to you? This is the natural genetic thing. Yet when everyone around you is successfully meeting people (this actually is not describing anything that has happened to me this year) then you will really feel lonely, though in a social sense rather than a biologic one. Thus we feel the self-deprecating loneliness of everyone is getting laid during the summer and the cold, dark feeling of being alone during the winter. I will admit, I do experience it still to an extent, but the feeling is so incredibly different that it is essentially a different emotion from the summer loneliness. I can apply winter loneliness to others and because of how weak everyone gets in the winter I can feel better about myself and self-sufficient. Furthermore, since the feeling in winter is biological, one can't do anything to change it and once you accept the inability to change what you cannot you will feel so much better. Besides, women have their biological clocks going and if they aren't with someone when the winter loneliness hits they start to go a little crazy. Often they act a little bit more desperate. Plus, I swear to God, this whole 'women are attracted to guys who don't care' thing really fucking works.

Maybe I can't fully explain it, but the undeniable fact is that I can wake up in the morning, walk outside, admire the dark, cloudy sky with my head help up strong (which normally is very difficult: I learned to always keep my back straight yet I have so much trouble keeping my head looking straight ahead that I bring my head as low as I can to compensate for the height of my back so I have this weird slouch that only exists in my neck). I look at the world feeling more welcome. I feel more like a equal human being in the eyes of others. I accept the (mild) cold comfortably and try to ignore what people obsess about. I go about my business as if it is still summer (with more fashionable layers) yet everything seems so much easier because people just seem more depressed. This makes life easier for my dominance complex. I will dress heavy, go out as if nothing happened, enjoy the clouds that cover up the glare of the sun in my eyes, enjoy the moist feeling of rain and the harshness of the snow, present confident action in the face of cowardice, and thrust myself into a dark apparently meaningless climate free to see my own path.

The harsh environment of the winter makes its effect through being harsh. This harshness means humans must adapt. We dress warmer, we start our cars earlier so they warm up faster, so on and so forth, and we become more intimate. This opens way for the type of relationship that is even more romantic than the extremely passionate and extremely immediate relationship. Biologically, as men, women are designed to serve the needs of the man and as men we are designed to serve the wants of the woman. Men don't have complex expectations generally but they do have strong and strict ones (that even if it compromises women's lib most seem to be comfortable with doing). What needs to be understood is the responsibility of the man. The woman biologically is designed to provide food and sex but the man must give the woman what she wants. He will provide to her luxuries and other such things. The winter relationship is between the winter man (rare) and the summer woman (not so rare). The woman fills her simple role and cannot be expected to do much. Weakened as like most people she does what she can and nothing more. The winter individual will strive to be stronger in the winter and as such the winter man will protect the woman. He will provide to her and be with her. The intimate image of the male keeping the female warm in front of the fire as they hold each other is what this is. Nothing seems more romantic than a weak helpless woman being provided for by the independent male who protects and comforts her while she is brought to a healthier state and can stand on her own (which should be the basis for most male-dominates-female relationship). This is just a very specific situation, mind you, relationships that don't have this exact male-female dominance-submission type thing is not what I am talking about. The independent male does not really need the woman at this point: he provides and comforts her to the point of independence because he wants to. A winter person does what is good for their growth and will not compromise to be in such a relationship. They merely need to act with the same timidness and self-control they display during the summer yet show an increase in potential to be active. The way is clear. The winter is harsh and it hurts but it is a very understandable and predictable monster thus it can easily be conquered for a future with more potential than the summer.

The exception to this is wind. Wind always sucks and there is nothing you can do about it.
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