Jan 20, 2012 01:57

After I changed my House Rules, I haven't really written any fandom-related topics to charming_syrai, which is sorta weird, because on many occasions, I've had a lot to say, but it's felt sort of alien to write there - there's also the fact I'm shallow and want both journals to look good, as in, to be paid...

I may have to accept the fact that that journal is a thing of a past, kinda like fan fic writing seems to be (of course, now that I said that out loud, tomorrow I'll feel this unbearable need to go write smut - which is why I said it, to begin with) and just go for it (and everything else, basically) right here.

On one hand, that sucks and then on the other, I really don't give a shit.

For one, I have a dog and a hedgie and a guy and work and this thing called life these days so I really don't have time for all these separate journals and secondly, why try and force it, when it's just not working? Secondly, I've grown out of the "I want lots of readers/friends!" phase - having people reading and commenting, yeah, that'd be awesome but it's not something I need anymore.

So, yeah, I think it's time to close charming_syrai for the time being - I shall let it be what it was, a fic-journal and that's that - and focus on the journal that feels like home. It's where my heart is, after all.


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