Title: To Live For
Series: Sword of the Stranger
Character: Nanashi
Rating: G
Notes: 100-word drabble for a movie that needs more love! Crossposted to
31_days (prompt: The rising of the sea). In my merry little fantasy world, Nanashi is Himura Kenshin's ancestor. Because, you know… parallels. Thoughts?
To Live For
He could have kept walking, kept wandering. He had a horse now and he would probably be able to get a couple of ryo out of the jade stick. If he was careful, and he was, they would last him weeks.
He could have kept walking, aloof and uncaring. He didn't owe the kid anything after all. The Chinese weren't his problem.
But, they had Kotaro. Loud, short-tempered, bossy, annoying, sweet, devoted Kotaro.
And he'd be damned if he let another child die in front of him.
Taking a deep breath, Nanashi jumped on his horse, and turned around.