Title: Desperate Causes
Rating: PG
Series: Manga / Brotherhood
Summary: Winry didn't like the tone of Ed's voice. It sounded way too much like he was trying to hold back a chuckle.
Pairing: Ed/Winry.
Warning: (Slight) innuendo and very, very silly fluff.
Notes: This was written in 2009 and got lost under a pile of other drafts. Oops? ^^"
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(Where's my insulin shot?)
No, seriously, I love it. Ed teasing Winry; her wearing his t-shirt, 'desperate cause'.
So cute.
Thank you! :D Ed can't be forever clueless around Winry even if she still has the upper hand!
No, he can't. Winry would get annoyed with him if he was forever clueless.
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