Title: Fairy
Rating: G
Characters: Winry, Ed, Al.
Summary: Winry daydreamed about princesses and knights in shining armor when she was little, just like every other girl does. And years later, she couldn't help feeling that things had never really changed.
Winry daydreamed about princesses and knights in shining armor when she was little, just like every other girl does.
She imagined "he" came from some exotic country to save her from many dangers, from dragons and monsters invading her kingdom to cantankerous and abusive stepmothers.
She often talked the Elric brothers into playing with her. They would use their alchemy to create a dragon - Ed made a cow once, claiming they were evil, but the other two merely rolled their eyes before Al transmuted a true, scary, long-toothed dragon - and Winry would shriek and run for help -she couldn't defeat it alone, not even with her trusted wrench.
The boys would then transmute wooden or clay weapons and the three of them would strike at the offending sculpture until it was reduced to a dusty pile of rocks, with a profusion of cries of "Fear us, monster!", "Ha ha! Not so confident anymore, are you?" and "Flee this kingdom while you can!"
Sometimes, one of the brothers pretended to be wounded by their foe, but bravely gritted his teeth and kept fighting.
Then Ed and Al would escort Princess Winry back to her castle to celebrate their victory. Queen Sara Rockbell always had cookies or a cake ready for them, and lemonade.
Oh yes, Winry remembered those days vividly.
Years later, she couldn't help feeling that things had never really changed as she supported -almost dragged, really- a beaten, injured and feverish Ed, back from far-off Central and his war against real monsters, so much more terrifying than any one from their childhood games would ever be, to the safety of his yellow castle on the hill and loving family.