
Nov 05, 2008 21:37

Ah, my semestral break has ended yesterday. And now I'm stuck in my classroom, daydreaming about hetalia to a ridiculous extent.

I sat through my world history class and I couldn't help but feel oh-so-giddy when we had a documentary to watch. It wasn't the boring kind, it was one of those awesome ones that rarely appear on TV (or maybe it's because I don't touch my TV). It was about the French Revolution, and although I don't really like Francis that much, I was just... stupid and giggly all throughout. Especially at the mention of Prussia and Austria's alliance(!) and I did like how UK was there too. Oh, you silly pirate, you.

Forgive me if that's general knowledge, but I don't know much about European history. ): I'm only oh-so fairly acquainted with Philippine history, which is the only thing I've studied for yeeeeeeears. I've only started world history last year, and~ it was mostly about Asia.


....I don't really know what to write here on LJ because, I just rant and whine about the world and how stupid it is sometimes with my other blogs. Repost = fail. I'll try to keep it light~?


Anyway, I'm feeling a bit lonely here because I'm such an LJ noob. Just look at the noob layout D:

school, random

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