I'm tired of random people adding me and them not telling me anything about themselves. So... please if you're going to add me to your friends list, give me some reasons as to WHY we should be friends... just add me and fill out this mini-application :p You KNOW you want to.
Also. Format the application. I don't want to see...
hi my name is (insertnamehere), i like cheez doodles n neat stuff n fun times im from jesus' asshole i found u thru him he told me u were tEh kewlz omg omg i like lots of movies yay movies are fun do you like moulin rouge? i like moulin rouge moulin rouge moulin rouge etc etc
Be intelligent.
1a. name
1b. age
1c. location
2. how did you find me?
3a. favorite movies
3b. favorite music
3c. hobbies?
4. anything you want to share that's exciting/important for me to know about you?
5. why do you want to read my livejournal/be my friend?
6. if possible, please provide me with one picture of yourself. yes. i'm shallow, i enjoy knowing what my friends look like. ;]
This will help me weed out the people who are simply adding me to make their friends list bigger, or to just have some random girl with neat hair on their friends page. :) If you really want to delve into the world of pam... fill out the app, and see what happens ;)