
Apr 20, 2018 02:46

Fri Apr 20 2:46 EDT 2018

Why don't the IM apps have a toilet emoji?

When we have 7+-hour conference calls, people need potty breaks. A little toilet icon would say all that's needed. (They could add a red one for urgent. ☺)

Jabber's got pizza, burger, and sushi emojis - didn't quite match my dinner-break burrito.
Jabber's also got a "poo" emoji, but I wouldn't choose to send my coworkers a pile of excrement. (It could be amusing, iff it were redefined (to everyone possibly in the chat) as having the meaning "potty break" rather than "stupid idea" or "you stink" (in harsher language). But it would be amusing because it had been redefined, and that has to happen first.)Why does MS Word think "potty" is not a word?

[This entry was originally posted as https://syntonic-comma.dreamwidth.org/977167.html on Dreamwidth (where there are

usage, language, microsoft, work

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