Sun Apr 16 02:15:58 EDT 2017
I had a few hints for
vvalkyri with her transition to DW, planning to cross-post back to LJ. It was long overdue for me to go through my DW access list and see how many OpenID-LJ accounts now have matching DW accounts. 25 did not. 7 did, but one I dropped. 1 of the 7 had dropped the digits off his DW account name (yea for him! LJ squatter had the shorter name). 1 of the 7 was empty, but matched on the particulars. There was one name match that was clearly someone else, but the LJ account never had any activity, so it's not really a loss. (He was the partner of someone I was following.) 1 was purged, although it's almost certainly the same persion.
Adding them for access and subscribe was easy enough. Adding them to filters was more tedious. I had already added their LJ-OpenID accounts to my filters, so it was just matching the same local account names into the existing filters. But it was tedious. Some existing accounts had been missed before. Some assignments didn't make sense. But it's done.
Some of these "new" accounts had been created within the last week. Others had been there 7 or 8 years - but I guess weren't there when I moved to DW, and I hadn't gone back since to make a thorough update.
[This entry was originally posted as on Dreamwidth (where there are