Pennsic VL - Wednesday, War Week

Aug 10, 2016 07:33

Wed Aug 10 07:33:49 EDT 2016

I woke at 06:30 again; there must be something going on outside my tent - somebody's distant alarm?

I was OK without earplugs last night. But this is 2 very late nights in a row. It rained again this morning for 3-4 minutes at 07:17. (I suppose I also could have slept through more rain overnight.)

08-1009:001.0 hrPerforming Arts Rehearsal TentChristmas (Music) in July: Pt. 3 BVM MusicLady Siri ToivosdotterBring your singing voice or instrument to a music-reading session featuring SCA-period Christmas/Yule music for 12th Night or Wassail that focuses on the Blessed Virgin Mary (BVM). Public domain music, large handout provided for a small fee. This is a sequel to Christmas (Music) in July from Pennsic 42, 43, and 44.

08-1010:002.0 hrPerforming Arts Rehearsal TentPennsic Choir: Open RehearsalLady Rachel DalicieuxThe Pennsic Choir welcomes all interested singers! This year's concert theme is "Of Love and Whimsy." The repertoire includes pieces by Morley, Marenzio, Scandello, Gesualdo, Dowland, and the ever-popular Anonymous.
08-1012:001.0 hrPerforming Arts Rehearsal TentMass ProjectLady Erlandr NordenskaldHands-on look into the Mass as a musical form and its importance in Renaissance vocal music. Each day we'll study and rehearse a different movement, starting with early period Kyrie and ending with a mid-15th-century Agnus Dei. Five-part class. We are going to do a mini-performance at the European Music Expo and a movement or two at the Known World Choirs Performance.
08-1013:001.0 hrA&S 13Food Preservation Methods and HistoryJadwiga ZajaczkowaLearn a bit about the various methods documented to before 1650 for preserving foods. Samples may be available.

08-1014:001.0 hrA&S 12Building Yurts on a BudgetLord Phelan WayfarerLearn all you need to know in order to build and decorate a quality yurt on a budget. We will discuss building materials, design options, and cost-saving methods so that almost anyone can own their own custom-built yurt. Class handout will include a full and comprehensive shopping list as well as detailed instructions and plans to get you started.

08-1015:001.0 hrPerforming Arts Rehearsal TentKnown World Recorder Ensemble RehearsalPennsic Performing ArtsRecorder players of intermediate and above abilities are invited to join this ensemble for its inaugural Pennsic appearance. Join us in having fun and making music together! We will meet for three rehearsals: Monday - Wednesday; dress rehearsal Thursday. More information on site. We'll prepare for a brief concert, 6 pm, Thursday, 8/11, in the PA Tent.
08-1016:001.0 hrTBDRehearsal: KWC Chorulus PennsicusPennsic Performing ArtsClosed rehearsals by audition only.
08-1017:001.0 hrA&S 2Making Your First BeerMalcolm MorAre you curious about how beer is made? Do you want to know enough to start making it yourself? Then this is the class for you! Malcolm will walk you through the brewing process by explaining how to turn water, malt, hops, and yeast into something for you and your friends to enjoy. You will learn about mashing, lautering, boiling, fermenting, conditioning and a bit of beer history in a relaxed, friendly setting. Extract, partial mash, and all grain concepts will be explained, along with essential terms and concepts.

08-1017:001.0 hrA&S 8Science of Food PreservationMaster Tristan de WorrellNot a "how-to" but a "how-come?" class. We will look at medieval preservation techniques with modern knowledge, see what worked and why, and where the risks were. We will also try to shed light on some modern ideas of food preservation as they relate to re-creating medieval preserved foods.
08-1019:000.5 hrMarketplace Food CourtPennsic ChoirLady Rachel DalicieuxMidnight Madness teaser for the KWC's concert tomorrow night.

Wednesday 23:27:19

I got to Xmas in July III rather late, after being up so late last night. Siri had lots of good music for us, though. We listened to recordings more than we sang because there was so much to get through.

The Mass Project finished up with the Sanctus and Agnus Dei. Erlan is now planning to do 2 masses (one being this "Herc Dux" mass) and perform them at Cassa Barducci, an elaborate camp set up on the shore of the lake every year.

Food Preservation had some samples for us - carrots preserved in honey, verjuice(sp?), some sort of concentrated pear juice, and sausages.

Building Yurts was someone's personal experience. Yurts are a very comfortable shelter. I don't think one would fit in my car, so it would require coming to Pennsic in a van (or a SUV at minimum). There were not enough (copies of the) class notes, so I hope a set will becoming in email.

The KWRE is taking pieces at a very ... forgiving ... pace. Maybe things will be better organized next year.

Chorulus Pennsicus really is the crack group it aims to be. Not everyone was there today, but I got a recording of us singing the double-chorus Victoria in a facing formation.

I got to Making Your First Beer late. Chorulus ran over (which I have no problem with), and I went to the Science of Food Preservation first, but was the same class I took last week. The class notes provided an equipment-shopping list, and notes for a related class are online.

After all that the KWC sang it's annual little teaser in the marketplace before Midnight Madness. I recorded it. We sound pretty good, but we need to pay better attention at the beginning of pieces; it takes a bit for them to ... congeal. Erlandr Nordenskald added some banter to the audience between our pieces. (She'll be conducting the KWC 2 years hence; probably German music.)

On the way back to camp I bought ice - 10lb (4.5kg) for my cooler, and 22lb (10kg) for 2 camp ice chests, with perishables. (I didn't check the 3rd ice chest with alcoholic quaffs that won't spoil.)

We had baked ziti for dinner. It was ready when I got back before the teaser concert, but I didn't have time to eat then.

Before I left camp this morning I learned the Colleen closed up my tent before the storm. I haven't had a chance to thank her for that.

Renata (realinterrobang) phoned
eftychia tonight, but it was too noisy/disruptive in camp for a proper conversation. It was nice to hear her voice, and I miss her terribly. I wish she were here. (This is where we met.)

I couldn't find the 4-channel Chorulus recording on the Zoom H2. I put the flash card (with DGlenn's help removing it from the H2) in my laptop to search for new files; I found the 4CH directory with separate front and rear .wav files; apparently the .wav format does not provide for more than 2 channels (standard stereo). What I need to do is re-mix the front and rear to be left and right for the proper antiphonal choir effect. There's also some new files on the card that DGlenn recorded to give Renata some Pennsic auralscape.

I've kept my laptop's WiFi disabled to extend the battery, but I just turned it back on and I see that I have a CLIC (Cooper's Lake Internet Cafe - although I don't know how this area is part of a "cafe") signal showing up here in camp. I don't know the access code. I suppose I could have been using WiFi the whole war. So much for getting information to people....

It's already later than I wanted to be up tonight. I've got two past nights of insufficient sleep, and lots of musicianing to do tomorrow - the dress rehearsal/recording session for Chorulus Pensic and the Known World Choir in the early afternoon, and the same in concert at 18:30 preceded by the Known World Recorder Ensemble and the Collegium Musicus (more recorders). There's no 10:00-12:00 or 16:00-17:00 rehearsals tomorrow, which frees up some new time for classes. (And Friday's entirely free, although there's few classes left.) There's a pile of classes that look interesting tomorrow, but I need to leave time to review music (recorder and vocal) before the concerts.

People were already packing out today - I guess those are people whose battles are done, and who don't want to hang around with rain in the forecasts.

Thursday 00:52

How unusual - someone else was in the shower, and I have to wait. First time all war. First time for several wars.

Thursday 01:47

The person in the shower was out before the laptop booted for the previous entry. But there was no hot water, which started another little adventure. The propane tank was empty, so I had to find the next tank, switch them, and light the water heater's pilot. And wait for the water to heat up. There's no telling how long the tank had been empty. (Well, some telling - there was hot water when I showered last night.) I brushed my teeth before my shower instead of after. (More time for the water to heat up.) Given how hot the day was, the water was never really cold. But it was still not-warm when I rinsed before my shower. It was starting to get warm when I rinsed off after I soaped up.

And this is another night I'm getting to bed late. I should sleep in (no morning rehearsals), but there's a 09:00 class I particularly want to go to. ☹ Mega-snorus Dave next door is roaring away, so it's earplugs again tonight. ☹

[This entry was originally posted as on Dreamwidth (where there are

chorulus, camping, zoom, recorders, pennsic, weather, batteries, food, caer edgemere, kwc, laptop, erin3

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