Tue Aug 2 06:44:04 EDT 2016
Awake. Awfully early. Birds are loud. I-79 traffic is loud. But walking back from parking only gets worse (hotter) as the day goes on.
Find clothes; get dressed; drive; hike back.
Tuesday 08:18
The car is parked. (Row 14; not bad.) On the way back I filled up my bota and the steel water bottle (found in the road on a work commute) and bought a 10lb (4.5kg) block of ice. I think this is the first time I have ever been to buy ice before they were open (08:00). I had to take out half the beer to make room for it. I need to mix orange juice, but I'll let that wait until later. I should be able to get to the 09:00 basket-weaving class in time to get a space. (Craft classes often have more people than they can take. Just looked at the schedule again - there was already somebody waiting there when I walked back from the parking lot!)
I think letting this laptop sleep is going to work well for making quick updates. I will need to recharge it several times, and it's too bad my 12-volt charger doesn't have a plug to fit this Lenovo. I'll have to use the inverter for the charger. I haven't set up the solar panel yet either - too much jabber yesterday evening.
Tuesday 17:38
It's been a busy day.
08-0209:001.0 hrA&S 3Stained Glass: A Look at Medieval WindowsTHL Bietriz la cristaliereWe'll show you three distinct periods of medieval windows in England and France as described by Hugh Arnold. Use of beautiful color pictures.
08-0209:003.0 hrA&S 10My Favorite Pennsic Market BasketLady Anastasia Petrovna ChernayaStudents will be able to take home a sturdy, useful handmade basket. This is the basket I use for all my Pennsic (or any event) shopping.
08-0210:001.0 hrA&S 3Theories on Garments Found at PskovMistress Blitha of WolfhouA 10th-century Norse or Varangian silk and linen outfit was found in Grave 3 at Pskov, Russia. How might the dress and underdress have looked and been worn? We will discuss the find, and possible ways to reconstruct the garments.
08-0211:001.0 hrA&S 4Glass Fatamids: What Are They?Master Sigulf KarlnarLearn about fatamids, the glass weights used to weigh coins in the Islamic world. They were also thought to have been used as money. Class covers the finds and their use.
08-0213:001.5 hrA&S 13Romani: An Introduction to Gypsy PersonaLady Pesha the GypsyWant a Gypsy persona, but don't know how/where to start? Learn about the Rom, their history, common pitfalls, and the fun of this fascinating persona.
08-0214:001.0 hrPerforming Arts Rehearsal TentIntroduction to Carnatic Music TheoryTHL Aibhilin inghean DaibhidhAn overview of Carnatic music from Southern India, this class addresses how to understand the format and harmonic system of music. Based on time available, we will learn part or all of a Carnatic piece. As Carnatic music is substantially different from European music, knowledge of Western Music theory is not necessary, though a basic understanding is helpful. The ability to read European music is not required.
08-0215:001.5 hrPerforming Arts Rehearsal TentRecorder Jam!Lady Siri ToivosdotterDo you play the recorder? Come play with others in a group setting and read through Renaissance literature. In a 90-minute session, we will start with beginner/easy music and move toward harder music. Youth players should come near the beginning, advanced can arrive later. Bring your instrument or use a loaner. New soprano recorders will be available for $4.
I got to the market basket class about 30 minutes early, but it was already full. Stained glass was good though, seeing how the styles and techniques changed over time. The instructor made a display stand out of plastic pipes. It was excellent, holding the enlarged photos up where all could see, and it could be dismantled for transport. (She came from Iowa.)
The fabric fragments found at Pskov made for an interesting class. The archeologists had little to work with, and came to interesting conclusions about it. The unanswered questions make for great experimentation. The presenters had made reproductions of the finds, which greatly enhanced the class. Lovely Erin was at both of these classes, and I got some pictures of one of the reconstructed garments on her.
Glass Fatamids was rather dull (and very short). There wasn't that much to the basics of the subject. Someone obsessed and more experienced might have added more.
I could not stay awake in the Romani class. The instructor was good and the material was interesting, but I think the combination of being up 'til 04:00 last night, just having eaten lunch, and the class tent being too warm took a combined toll on me. ☹
Carnatic music was all new to me, and I understand quite a bit more of what's going on in Indian music.
The recorder jam was nothing challenging, but Siri was very well organized, and it helps the beginners a lot to be playing with people who aren't lost. Caer Edgemere's serfs came by and got to see me playing the great bass. (That explains some of what of what they carried from my car yesterday.)
I found a cute little dinosaur dragon on my ice chest when I got back. I don't know who left it. I guess I had a visitor....
There's drumming going on somewhere down the hill (the bog, the lake). Considering how much
anniemal hates drumming, that seems like enough to keep her away from Pennsic (or to make her want to find a different camp). There was drumming when I went to bed last night, although it wasn't this loud. It's not bothering me. I rather like it. It's not as distracting as vocal music, where the brain searches for linguistic content (that may be in a foreign language, or non-existent).
I should set up the solar panel now, before it gets dark.
I think we're having shepherd's pie for dinner tonight. (More of the chicken that was cooked for yesterday's soup.)
I have got to get to bed earlier tonight, so I'm not falling asleep in classes tomorrow.
Tuesday 18:37
A C-130 just went by, very low and banking away. I wish I'd had my camera in hand and turned on....
I've set up the solar panel and charge controller. One of the camera batteries ran down today, so I'm charging it now....
Tuesday 21:35
I've had a bit of a nap. No one (else) was in camp when I came back from classes, and I still haven't seen anyone. Someone has lit one of the torches, though. No signs of dinner. Anna (our land agent) earlier mentioned needing to run out to get some things, and her van is gone, but she should be back from a shopping run by now. She might have gone home (Wheeling, WVa), which would take longer. I've got things I can eat.
Tuesday 21:48
Anna just returned with the van. ☺
Wednesday 00:09
Dinner was pizza; the chicken shepherd's pie will be tomorrow night. I'm trying to get to bed earlier tonight - so I won't be falling asleep in class. Our camp is really small this year - only 6 people at the moment, counting our 2 strays/serfs, with 4 more Fri/Sat - so it's particularly hard to duck out of the conversations.
The laptop has failed to wake from sleep again. I think I'm going to upgrade the OS after I get back; the next long-term-support release is available.
The camera battery is recharged.
I need to find the directions for setting my watch alarm. (They're still in the 2nd crafts box, from coming here last year.) The timer would have been useful for the pizza too. We left the first one in the oven 5 minutes too long. (All that talking....)
Wednesday 01:14
The temperature is the same as last night, but it feels warmer. Or perhaps it simply doesn't feel as cold, and I am acclimating.
The sky is clear tonight, and the stars are impressive. There are not yet so many people here that the campfires create a haze.
The laptop failed to wake from sleep again. I'm going to shut it down tonight in hopes that it remembers things like screen brightness and no network, changes from home that should conserve power. And no point in losing battery charge to sleep if I still have to wait for it to boot (when sleep fails to wake).
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