Sat Apr 16 01:39:13 EDT 2016What is Insect Shield?
Insect Shield® Repellent Apparel and Insect Shield® Repellent Gear are revolutionary products designed to provide long-lasting, effective and convenient personal insect protection. The durable protection provided by Insect Shield apparel and gear is the result of years of research and testing.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency granted registration of Insect Shield Insect Repellent Apparel--the first-ever, EPA-registered insect-repellent clothing. Recently, EPA has granted Insect Shield extended durability claims for its apparel registration, through 70 washings. Seventy washings is nearly three times the longevity of the original EPA apparel registration at 25 washings.
Insect Shield apparel and gear products combine the patent-pending Insect Shield process with a proprietary formulation of the insect repellent permethrin- resulting in effective, odorless insect protection that lasts the expected lifetime of a garment.
"70 washings" is the expected lifetime of a garment? I've got 20-year-old bike shorts. They are probably washed 5-6 times/year, and they were worn and washed much more frequently in their early years (when I had fewer to wear). That's a lot more than 70 washings. I've got underpants and socks that have gone way more than 70 washings. I've got shirts and pants from thrift shops that had lives before I met them.
Maybe I'm just not part of the "disposable society".
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