Mon Nov 23 11:40:37 EST 2015
Who is teaching our reporters how to write? (Um, nobody?)
Critically Endangered Rhino Dies at San Diego Zoo Safari Park One of the last living northern white rhinos has passed away, leaving only three left in the world, the San Diego Zoo announced Sunday morning.
Nola was a 41-year-old rhinoceros at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park and lived there since 1989. Her species is critically endangered with just three others living in a preserve in Kenya.
She had previously underwent a surgical procedure to remove an abscess discovered during a recent ultrasound.
If "she had went" sounds wrong to the mind's ear, shouldn't it also stop you from saying/writing "she had underwent"? (And most readers could infer "living" from "passed away", and "left" from "leaving".)"Nola's legacy will live forever as her death leaves just 3 northern white rhinos on the planet," the zoo said.
The story hasn't mentioned any direct relationship between Nola and the rhinos in Kenya, so I don't see how "legacy" applies. And "critically endangered" casts doubt on "will live forever".
[2018/03/21 - posting backlog - the last male just died a couple of days ago. ☹ The 2 remaining females are unable to bear offspring. In vitro with a southern white rhino surrogate is the remaining hope for the northern species; this has never been tried.]
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