Fri Aug 8 16:46:56 EDT 2014
There were no leftovers this morning from last night's dinner. I didn't have breakfast today, but I had an early lunch.
Last day of classes. ☹ I had two classes with Erin today.
Today's classes:
09:002.0A&S 11Basic BookbindingLady Angharad verch Glyndwr O Llang
Basic binding of books, a bit of history, hands-on, and practical application. Participants will learn different types of stitching and page attachment, plus covers, and will leave with a small bound book and/or a girdlebook cover.I've taken this class before, but another shot at it was good. We didn't all finish in 2 hours, so I missed the 11:00 classes. It was a good time for a break to get ice.
12:001.0A&S 31000 Years of Irish HistoryLady Kateryn Draper
What was happening in Ireland during our time period? Come and find out.Erin was here.
13:001.0A&S 1Medieval Pirates: Eustance the MonkHermina De Pagan
This class is based on the The Romance of Eustance the Monk, the pirate who fought both for and against King John.Erin was here too.
15:001.0A&S 8Multiplying Like RabbitsLady Rosina von SchaffhausenIn 1202, Leonardo of Pisa, known today as Fibonacci, wrote Liber Abaci in an attempt to introduce our modern number system to the merchants of Pisa. He included many examples of ways to apply this new math to business practices of the day, such as commodities trading, evaluating company shares, accounting, minting money, and breeding rabbits. We will look at the kinds of problems he wrote about in order to convince merchants to adopt the new number system.I couldn't stay awake for this one. ☹ I've been to several of her classes before, and the material was interesting. Maybe I didn't have enough to eat today?
Also of note:
09:002.0A&S 1Making Friends with Your Sewing MachineLady Mikalina Lydushka PavlovnaEasy sewing machine basics for the newbie and novice sewers. Simple patterns available so you won't go to the events naked or embarrassed! Advanced sewers invited to share your knowledge as well! Easy and fun class! All children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult.Can't be everywhere.
11:001.0A&S 1Hand-Sewing EyeletsLady Grazia MorganoTake your garb up a notch! Metal grommets don't have the look and they result in less-durable clothing. Come learn how to use an awl and needle to hand-sew your own eyelets.I wasn't finished with bookbinding.
13:001.0A&S 3Secrets in MessagesLord Vincenzo Martino MazzaSurvey of cryptography in historical period: Egyptian through Renaissance.
14:001.0Performing Arts Rehearsal TentKW Choir Open Auditions: Chorulus PennsicusPennsic Performing ArtsKnown World Choir open auditions for anyone interested in trying out for Known World Choir's select choir, Chorulus Pennsicus.Erin auditioned! ☺
I couldn't find my water bottle this morning. I checked Lost-and-Found this morning, but it had not been turned in. I'm pretty sure I had it on me after the concert, and I think I had it at Erin's camp; I've just checked there, and no one's seen it. Perhaps it's here at my camp someplace. I've looked through my tent several times. ☹ (You can lose things in here, but it's not that big a space.)
Today is the last day for shopping. The merchants have to close by 19:00. I went through the marketplace again between classes. It was much calmer than the madness Wednesday night. I bought some back scratchers (requested by
anniemal) some very small (but not small enough) corks for the etched copper needle case I made yesterday, another tiny leather bag, and a pair of fasteners - not sure how they're supposed to work, but one on its own makes an excellent slider on the string of my straw hat, so I can tighten it under my chin and keep the wind from blowing it off. (I've been wanting something for this for years.) It's got 5 holes, presumably 4 to attach to the garment and the 5th to connect with something similar/matching on another part of the garment. The hat's strap goes through the 4 holes (2 on each side) and some bijou can be attached to the 5th hole. Annie also wanted some dichroic glass, but her favorite shop is no longer here. There is another booth in that spot, but it has very little glass. I found a new place with glass that I didn't notice in the dark Wednesday, but everything there is expensive. And my glass-fusing mentor (
Mol Sotherden) sells dichroic pieces, but Annie didn't seem to be excited by the ones I brought her last year. But shopping really isn't my thing in the first place. (I like having new stuff, but I do not like shopping for it.)
I still haven't seen anyone selling broad-brimmed straw hats. Mine is past ready for (repair or) replacement, and Annie wants a new one too. Someone suggested the camp store, and I haven't checked there yet.
People are packing out and leaving. Our shower has been dismantled. (Our camp brings the water heater, and the neighbor camp (House Bloodjack) brings the shower tent and plumbing.) Some of the merchants have also already left. I don't know whether Caer Edgemere's plan is to pack up tomorrow, or just laze around for a day and leave Sunday. I'm OK with either. (I'm in no hurry to go back.)
Friday 18:33
I finished the bookbinding I started this morning. I did take this same class last year (Sat 2013 Jul 27), with the same teacher. I think I did a better job this time.
Friday 19:26
It sounds like Caer Edgemere's plans are to pack out Saturday. That's sooner than I expected to be going home. (I could stay here another night by myself - which might not be so bad.... Going back Saturday might avoid the traffic slowdowns that seem to happen on I-70 every Sunday evening.
They're also talking about future plans to convert a trailer into a shower. The water heater and the propane tanks would all be part of the unit, and the shower space would have walls, seats, and storage.
And building pop-up vardas (gypsy wagons) 7' x 14' (2.1m x 4.3m) to replace our tents. They would occupy less area than many of the tents here, so we could be more comfortable and have more space in the camp. (I don't know where all these trailers are going to spend the other 50 weeks of the year....)
Friday 20:41
I have unwoven the fingerloop braid back to the point of the error I made in class Monday. I have no idea how to resume; I don't know how to determine which loops belong on each finger to continue. But I suppose this does count as progress....
Friday 21:26
We're trying the oven again tonight. I don't think we've used it since Sunday (Thanksgiving dinner), which depleted the batteries. The last couple of days have been sunny and the batteries may have enough charge for lasagne. I've offered my battery, but they're going to use the regular set. It's looking like a late dinner, since it's not ready yet. But Pennsic is over; there's nothing on the schedule. There are probably some parties; drinking it here is better than taking it home? (Well, if you drink it, you don't have to pack it.)
Friday 22:38
The main batteries died (Maybe solar charging 1 or 2 batteries to a useful level would have been better than charging them all to an insufficient level; also the panels have been at a poor angle the whole war, far too close to vertical, and not rotated through the day.) and I have offered my battery to the cause of dinner.
Quite possibly it will be depleted (Does it really take 300 watts just to regulate the temperature of the oven, not provide the heat? Would it draw that much power 24/7 in a home, even when not cooking?), so I will not be able to recharge any of my gear until I bring my car back to camp. The laptop should have enough charge for taking notes. I have a lot of (near-)dead AA NiMH batteries, but there's a couple more good ones should my flashlights need them.
My camera battery is also nearly dead, but there's still 2 more charged for it.
Saturday 00:15
My battery probably has substantial power left after running the oven long enough to finish the lasagne. I don't have any data about the power consumed.
We had a bit of a scare: our land agent lost a considerable amount of money on her walk back to camp - simply dropped somewhere. But this being Pennsic, someone from the Mongol Horde found it and turned it in to security. (I'm going to check the Lost-and-Found again tomorrow for my water bottle.)
Saturday 01:54
The moon looks close to full. There's drumming going into the night; there was piping earlier.
dglenn's inverter is connected to my battery now to charge an iBook(?) and a cellphone that predates USB charging.
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