Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 20:17:17 +0000
Larson Scanner: Cylons (Battlestar Galactica), K.I.T. (Knight Rider). From Science Friday pre-Halloween show.
I didn't know both shows had the same producer. I don't think I connected the similar effect from the two shows. KIT was a force for good, and the Cylons were out to destroy humankid.After 50 years of cycling, I've finally been doored - someone opened a car door in my path. But it wasn't the typical dooring situation: a cyclist riding at the outside edge of the road alongside parked cars, and someone opening a door on the driver-side of a parked car. This car was in traffic, not parked. And I was passing on the outside (away from the driver's side); the car was half-merged into the next lane, far from the curb, and there was plenty of room for me to get by. The car was a cab stuck in traffic, trying to get to Union Station, and I guess the passenger decided he could walk the last bit faster than the cab could get there. Never mind that the car wasn't parked, nor at the curb, when he opened the door without looking.
I got slammed down hard. I'd say the recumbent was an advantage, because (a) I'm seated lower, so "down" isn't as far down, and (b) I was not taller than the car, so my body did not catch the top corner of the car door. Being taller might have put that corner in my chest, neck, or face. My shoulder hit the back edge of the car door pretty hard, and there's a bruise down my upper arm.
Had nothing happened, I was probably about 15 seconds (if that), all downhill, from the parking garage for my office.
No significant damage to the bike, although I did need to use tools to get the seat straight again.
Saturday 06:16

The discoloration of the bruise on my arm is getting more pronounced. I've tried to take photos, but they don't capture it well. The camera's autofocus is not working at all, perhaps because there are no distinct images in the center of the image; using a mirror probably doesn't help. And using the flash picks up a lot of specks from the mirror.
Saturday 12:35
The coloring of my bruise continues to develop, and it continues to be difficult to photograph. One of my typical sleeping positions was uncomfortable.
Saturday 23:15
Purpleization continues. Mom's mirror didn't look as dirty as mine, but flash photos revealed specks again.

Sunday 03:56
My arm now looks like spoiled meat. (Photo from Tuesday.)
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