Wed Jun 26 18:23:46 EDT 2013
The U.S. Supreme Court has overturned DoMA (the Defense of Marriage Act) and California's Proposition 8 (referendum prohibiting gay marriage). The things the losing side are saying are just appalling.
So what if 52% of Americans do not support gay marriage. Since when was it "the American Way" for the opinion of the majority to outweigh the rights of minorities?
Do they have any idea how hurtful and simply evil it sounds when they say gay people should not have the same basic enjoyment and security of companionship that mixed-gender couples have?
They have failed to show how gay marriage challenges or devalues mixed-gender marriage.
"I believe marriage was given by the hand of God." You are welcome to believe that. You are not welcome to insist that I believe that. I don't happen to believe that God has hands. I happen to believe that people created God, not vice versa, and people created marriage. And people can change marriage. (And people can, and do, change God. Otherwise there wouldn't be so many contradictory notions of what God is.) Laws affecting people need to be based on facts, not beliefs.
Remember when "mixed" marriage meant two different races - and that was unacceptable. (Talk about a double standard, with the owners getting their slaves pregnant.... If they thought mixing the races was so wrong, maybe they shouldn't have split families apart and captured and transported slaves in the first place. And they shouldn't have colonized lands already peopled by other races. The indigenous populations aren't the ones responsible for all this mixing....)
I don't agree with the Court's ruling on the Voting Rights Act. They say the climate has changed in the South. I say the old hatreds and hostilities and injustices are not gone. Within the past year NPR has had a story about a voting district's efforts to disenfranchise its minority population because it had attained political influence. Things are more hidden, more subtle, but they're not gone. People still teach their children hatred and overiding self-interest. (And many of them call themselves Christian. Just like their slave-owning and infested-blanket-bestowing progenitors.)
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