Wed Mar 6 11:35:15 EST 2013
anniemal was suprised to learn that the cordless phone (not the cell phone) interferes with her Internet connection. Considering how much time she spends on the phone, generally next to her computer, you'd think she would have figured it out from simple observation. (No, she'd just consider it fortunate that it was working again when she got off the phone and wanted to use the computer again. (Really? That happens every time? I hadn't noticed!)) Not to mention that I've told her this before, but time has proved that she retains next to nothing of what I tell her about how the technology in her life works and interoperates. WiFi, cordless phones, and microwave ovens all use the same range of radio frequencies. There are some cordless phones and WiFi systems that use alternate frequencies, but they're less common. Microwave ovens use that frequency because it excites water molecules (to heat the food); physical constants don't change.
I'm working from home today because of the weather (snowstorm, possibly 6" (15cm)), so I need the Internet. Annie should have a wired phone in her room.
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