Sun 2011/Nov/13 23:00
anniemal was gone all weekend. She went to Pennsylvania with her OkCupid buddy to help him take down the campsite he leaves set up all summer.I had a nice, quiet weekend to myself - mostly watching TV. This weekend's main feature was a marathon of "Chase", a new show last year that didn't get a 2nd season. (It's about a team of Federal Marshalls in Houston led by a cute/hot daredevil blonde.) I had watched the pilot and decided to keep recording it, but didn't get back to watching it until now. One episode was missing, pre-empted by the President after the shootings in Tucson, and another episode lost the first 20 minutes to a sports program that ran late. I find pre-empting shows for breaking news annoying, especially since it's no longer news when I try to watch the show. Why can't they pre-empt their weather channel, and leave the regular programming on, perhaps with a crawling ticker to re-direct the people who want to keep up with the news, and leave the program on for all the DVRs? I wonder how prevalent DVRs and time-shifting are now? I know I'm an extreme case, but do people really watch shows when they are broadcast, and sit through all those commercials? (When I couldn't skip commercials, I spent more time watching PBS.)
And for shows I don't watch until after rerun season, if I had known the first airing was interrupted, I could have set the DVR to re-record those episodes.
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