miscellaneous news bits

Jul 19, 2011 22:57

It takes only a few to spoil it for everyone - this is why employers monitor web use:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/04/23/AR2010042304963.htmlReport says 33 SEC staff members viewed pornography at work
By Ed O'Keefe
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, April 24, 2010

In one SEC case, a regional office staff accountant admitted to viewing pornography on his office computer and on his SEC-issued laptop while on official government travel. Another staff accountant received nearly 1,800 access denials for pornographic sites in a two-week period and had more than 600 images saved on her laptop's hard drive.

The computer of a senior attorney at SEC headquarters in Washington ran out of space for downloaded images, so he started burning them onto CDs and DVDs that he stored in his office. The attorney said he sometimes spent as much as eight hours a day viewing pornography on his office computer, the report said.
The story goes on with some egregious incidents involving the National Parks Service and the USPS.
OK, 33 is more than a few, but it's a very small part of the workforce. Then again, maybe there's a lot more who didn't get caught. But if you can spend 8 hours/day watching porn in your office, your manager should be in trouble too.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-1420471719 July 2011 Last updated at 20:41 ET
Treadmill shows medieval armour influenced battles
By Rebecca Morelle Science reporter, BBC News
Medieval suits of armour were so exhausting to wear that they could have affected the outcomes of famous battles, a study suggests.
Scientists monitored volunteers fitted with 15th Century replica armour as they walked and ran on treadmills.
They found that the subjects used high levels of energy, bore immense weight on their legs and suffered from restricted breathing.
I expect they mean a negative effect, but they wouldn't have worn armor if it didn't affect the outcome.This is why we need the separation of Church and State:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-14199815
Malaysia's civil court has refused a woman permission to leave Islam to avoid being jailed for apostasy.
Kamariah Ali, 60, says she should not be tried under Islamic law because she is no longer a Muslim.
But judges ruled that only Malaysia's Islamic courts could decide on the case because Ms Kamariah was born a Muslim.
Malaysia's Islamic courts have authority over only Muslims - the rest of the population are not bound by their rules.
... Ms Kamariah's case is one of a growing number of legal challenges brought by those caught between the Islamic authorities and the civil courts.
Ms Kamariah had asked the civil courts to declare her freedom to worship, as guaranteed by the constitution.
But the judging panel said she had to go through the Islamic courts system in order to renounce her faith - something that is rarely granted, our correspondent says.

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history, work, pennsic, armor, porn, religion

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