Thanksgiving tidbits

Nov 21, 2004 10:00

I heard this song on the radio last night -- Uncle Dave's Grace by Lou & Peter Berryman. (I think it's quite a nice website. Someone's got a good sense of when to use graphics for most effect, and pages load quickly.)

And Mama Stamberg's Cranberry Relish, a recipe broadcast annually on NPR.
2 cups whole raw cranberries, washed
1 small onion
3/4 cup sour cream [I think anniemal's been substituting low-fat yogurt]
1/2 cup sugar
2 tablespoons horseradish from a jar (red is a bit milder than white)

Grind the raw berries and onion together (meat grinder or food processor, chunky grind -- not a puree).
Add everything else and mix.
Put in a plastic container and freeze.

Early Thanksgiving morning, move it from freezer to refrigerator compartment to thaw. (It should still have some little icy slivers left.)
The relish will be thick, creamy, and shocking pink.
Makes 1-1/2 pints.
I expect that most people would be wary of a recipe that combines raw cranberries, onion, and horseradish, but it's really, really good -- much better than it sounds. (Or looks -- like Pepto Bismol with added food bits.) Make it up in advance and freeze it. Maybe some day we'll try the Garlicky Cranberry Chutney recipe (found on the same NPR web page).

recipes, thanksgiving, holidays

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