Phoenix Sky Harbor airport ("America's Friendliest Airport") has open WiFi. But it requires Java to sign in. What happens to people using browsers that don't support Java? Or people trying to do things that don't even involve browsers, like fetching email off their ISP's server? Conveniently, their sign-on page also allowed comments, so I could
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Thanks! The flight left on time, and arrived on time, and I was home 1:15 after that - baggage claim and Metro. I possibly could have cut 10 minutes off of that if I'd remembered to get a bus transfer at the airport (dropped the bus fare from $1.35 to 45¢); with the delay picking one up changing trains at Rosslyn I missed an Orange train that was there when my Blue train arrived. (Or maybe I couldn't have gotten from one platform to the other quickly enough anyway....)
But I'm home. The dog was very glad to see me. And one of the cats. And the wife too, of course.
Or maybe getting to Ballston sooner wouldn't have gotten me on an earlier bus, so I wouldn't have gotten home faster.
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