[Sat 11:35] Just finished having breakfast and chatting with
keith_m043. People are making lots of comments about the size of this tent as they go by. There are a lot of other big tents here, but maybe this is just a small step beyond. I thought it was a pain to bring them, but I'll admit having rugs on the floor is a very nice addition.
[Sat 21:00] I slept most of the afternoon. There were interesting things going on [acrobatics on silks to rival Cirque du Soleil, and a band], and I missed them, but I have been needing the sleep for a long time. I never did get the chainmail-weaving gear out. (I also haven't seen the person who expressed interest in learning to weave - or if I've seen her, I haven't recognized her from her LJ icon.) I guess after breakfast tomorrow I'll either do some chain mail or wander the grounds. We did a lot of wandering in the dark last night, so I know the way to a few of the featured spots, but you don't see much in the dark with flashlights. (These LED flashlights are pretty good though. We have a fluorescent lantern that we've thought was great at Pennsic the last 2 years, and last night we thought something was wrong with the batteries because it looked dim. I think it just compares poorly with the LED-phalanx work lights. Still, it's good for omnidirectional light in the tent. The Bright-Stick is directional.)
The mosquitoes are much worse this evening (although the bites don't seem to be itching). I didn't notice them last night (although it was later than this when we got here) or during the day today. There are still people arriving. I saw someone wheeling a cartload of gear to his campsite at dusk, and I just heard someone walk by saying he'd hoped to have gotten here before dark.
Tonight's the big ice-cream night, and there's also going to be a contra dance around 23:00, after the ice-cream.[Sun 02:30 ] The ice-cream rush had some great flavors, and a few losers. When the
list is posted I'll try to figure out which ones I tried. There's no way I can come up with all of them now.
The contradance was great. Short, but fun. The pick-up band (4 musicians, usually on violin, 2 saxaphones, mandolin, and electric bass, but sometimes switching to other things) was good. 3 (at least) callers, and quite a few beginner dancers, but all the experienced dancers helping out and making them welcome. I could have danced much longer, but I have no problem dancing on a full stomach - and many people had full stomaches after all that ice cream.