order of rings for making chain mail arrived today. The packaging revealed much of the vendor's process. The 10.35-lb (4.7kg) order fit into a fairly small corrugated cardboard box, 6.5"x6.75"x8.75" (16.5x17x22 cm). The rings were packed in (polyethene?) plastic bags made from a 8.25" (21cm)-wide tube heat-sealed at appropriate intervals for the quantities of rings. The 4 sizes of bright aluminum rings were packed in separate bags, but the anodized aluminum, stainless steel, and EPDM rubber rings were packed in contiguous bags. The invoice was sorted by stock number, and each tube-bag had segments 1"-3" (2.5-7.5cm) long with the rings in the same order as on the invoice. It's easy for both the packer and the customer to see that everything is there. (Yes, it needs a picture. They look kinda like freezer pops, if that helps.)
My first Pennsic project case (a hand-me-down which
anniemal's projects had outgrown, and which mine then outgrew the next year), with many compartments, will hold all the EDPM and some of the aluminum rings, although bright aluminum needs to stay in sealed bags to delay it from oxidizing and turning dull. The segmented bag of steel rings will fit in the tackle box for now, but that won't be workable after the bags are opened.