Sat Feb 27 01:16:48 EST 2021
The website is gone. The
Sehen bike mirror was a superior bike mirror for attaching to glasses or helmets. The materials chosen dampened vibration to give a stable image.
They were a crowd-funded project, but it looks like they didn't make it. It's been looking that way for a long time (
2½ years); I don't think my funding friend ever received the product.
The site may have been gone for a while. I just stumbled across an old browser tab and tried to load it.
Saturday 21:59
Sehen still has pages on
Kickstarter (Last updated
November 28, 2020) and
Indiegogo (updated
Nov 28, 2020 • 1:17PM "The explanation you deserve").
There's a 30-minute
YouTube video by one of the designer's sons about how things went wrong many different ways. Things that took longer than expected. Things that could have been done a better way. Things that shouldn't have been done at all, things that weren't focused on production. Where the money went. There's parts on hand to make another 800 mirrors, which would apparently get 1 to all of the backers, but they don't have people who know how to run the machines and there's no money left to hire anyone. (He should find a CNC-machine operator who wants a busman's holiday in Mexico....)
It seems like it was a really good idea and a good product. I hope it someday gets to market. (I'd like to be using it. ☺)
Saturday 23:33
Looks like that video is on their
Facebook page too.
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