Pennsic Tuesday 2006-08-15

Aug 15, 2006 22:11

Several of the classes I was aiming for today didn't materialize. One can't really complain when it's all being done by volunteers, though.

anniemal and I both found ourselves with no compelling classes at 11:00, so we went back to camp. We managed to catch "breakfast". (Pancakes and eggs; the sausage was gone.) Since breakfast was so late, I didn't need to carry lunch and eat during a class. Dinner tonight was baked ziti.
Today's classes:
09:00Culture: EuropeanThe Art of Shopping [cancelled]
09:00CookeryRedaction and Understanding Medieval Cooking
Methods [instructor no-show]
09:00Culture: Anglo-SaxonAnglo-Saxon Charms and Amulets
10:00Miscellaneous SciencesDog Carts and Pack Saddles
camp breakfast
12:00BeadworkPeriod Machine-washable Beadwork Embroidery
[instructor forgot materials]
12:00Metalwork & BlacksmithingPewter Casting
14:00Culture: EuropeanThe Arm Chair Pilgrim [rescheduled]
14:00Clothing: EuropeanFashions of Early 16th Century Venice
15:00Literature & PoetryBaba Yaga: the Arch-Villainess of Russian Folklore
Pennsic Choir rehearsal
18:00Bardic Arts & StorytellingSongs that Ought Not to be Sung
21:00Miscellaneous SciencesBead Night

It's quite surprising what one can learn in an hour or two when all the correct tools and materials are on hand. I carved a soapstone mold and cast pewter in it. It's not a piece of great art, but it's something I made with my own hands, and I can understand its flaws and I have ideas about what I might do differently next time - whenever that might be....

Conflicting classes of interest to me:09:00Miscellaneous SciencesHistoric Research in the Modern Library
09:00Scribal ArtsThe Exultet Roll
09:00HistoryThe Quilts of Henry VIII
09:00Fiber Arts: TextilesFabric 101
10:00Sewing: BasicsA Very Basic Sewing/Embroidery Class
10:00Fiber Arts: EmbroideryCeltic Embroidery: not just knotwork
10:00LeatherworkBackstitched Leather Sheaths for Knives and Swords
12:00Culture: JapaneseMonsho Bukan - Samurai Banners
12:00Fiber Arts: EmbroideryCeltic Embroidery: Hallstadt and La Tene
12:00Culture: Anglo-SaxonAnglo-Saxon Magic and Medicine
12:00Miscellaneous SciencesA Guide to Insects at Pennsic
12:00Arts & CraftsFaux Stone for Outside
13:00Miscellaneous SciencesMedieval Processed Sugar
14:00Scribal ArtsScroll Protection 101
11:00ArcheologyViking Civil Engineering
It's not unusual for instructors to run short of handouts when they misjudge the level of interest in their material. Some instructors have email addresses where we might request the notes later in electronic form, and a few have web sites. One instructor today left a copy of her notes on a CD at Mystic Mail, Pennsic's access point to the Internet. They'll let us copy from the CD or bring in a USB thumb drive. If all the instructors had all their materials together before Pennsic, it would be nice to have the handouts on the Pennsic website.

crafts, pennsic

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