Thu Feb 7 13:03:08 EST 2019
I received a copy of the Salvation Army Alaska Quarterly Newsletter. This is another one of those I-don't-know-my-own-email-address subscriptions. I was looking for the unsubscribe link but at the bottom of the screen was... [Message clipped] View entire message
I clicked to view the entire message, and the only thing that had been "clipped" wasCopyright © 2019 The Salvation Army, All rights reserved.
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I can understand wanting to limit the amount displayed, but I don't understand chopping off absurdly small amounts of content.
I've seen content-clipped notices that took as much space as the truncated content - the output could have been complete in the same amount of space. What kind of non-thinking person (specs or) writes code that does this?
Do the people who subscribe other people's addresses even notice they're not getting the emails?
If so, do they have any idea why they don't get them?
And I don't suppose there's anything they can do to "correct" (i.e. stop) email going to someone else's address, if they did realize what they'd done.
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