If you would like to be added to view posts relating to SynthLoX only, please specify when posting. I won't take offense at all - I'd just rather not clog up your friends page if you're only going to reply to my hairy threads. (Those interested in modeling opportunities should specify as well)
I've got far too many LJ buddies to keep up with all your journals, all the time. In other words, don't think I'm ignoring you if you don't get a reply. In fact, a lot of the time I'll skim through and read entries without replying.
Be advised that if 99% of your entries are memes & quizzes, I *will* remove you. If most of your entries are of a depressing, self-loathing nature, I probably won't comment (if you haven't got something nice to say... etc.). Stop being so affected, and start being more effective.
ATTENTION ALL NEW FRIENDS: Please take a moment to post in THIS THREAD